Wednesday 27 February 2008

Did the earth move for you?

Woke up this morning to hear that some of you may have had a bit of a bumpy night as a result of what someone on the BBC described as 'a very British earthquake' ie, not very strong.
We too, have the odd seismic event like Sarko admiting that he should not have responded to the farmer. Note, he didn't say that shouldn't have responded in the way he did; that would be too much to hope for. Today he and Carla fly off to South Africa stopping in Chad on the way. No doubt he expects to secure the promised Presidential pardon for the members of the 'L'arche de Zoé' who were convicted for their 'rescue' mission to bring a group of orphaned children out of the country. In the end the children weren't Dafuri orphans and it was they who need rescuing. A real debâcle.The pardon seems to be a trade off for France bolstering the President against a recent failed rebel attack.
On the cultural front we made a trip to the cinema yesterday with Jean-Jacques and Michelle to see 'The Kite Runner'. The book was wonderful and the film didn't disappoint. It managed to capture the emotion and depth of friendship and the finer side of human nature while surrounded by barbarity. As you can imagine, the scenery was immense and the choreography of the kites in the sky compelling. If you haven't already, do go and see it.

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