Friday 29 February 2008

Happy Wanderers

Set off relatively early (for us) in sunshine and during the day we had temperatures as high as 22° and as low as 11°. Visited several villages, followed some forest tracks and took a few photos. One of the villages used to hand craft wooden spoons and the street lights are designed as a tribute. Unfortunately, the camera battery gave up before lunch so
Christian missed several good shots. Garrotxa is a volcanic area with beautiful scenery but tourist-wise is not so developed as other parts that we have visited. Restaurants were thin on the ground away from the main road but we eventually found a cheap and cheerful lunch at 1.30pm which Christian attacked with great gusto!Having fortified ourselves we continued on our way up to 611m to a 10th century ruined castle and sanctuary and yet again there was a mobile phone antenna by the side of it. Carbuncles and landscapes spring to mind. At this point thunder could be heard in the distance and we ran into an absolute downpour as we went on to the next village. It was too wet to get out of the car which was a shame as it looked to be the most interesting village so far. There was nothing else to do but head for home where there was no sign of rain.

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