Wednesday 6 February 2008

Out and About

Just home from Joëlle and Michel's where we were invited to eat pizza and watch the film "Ma vie en l'air". An amusing, easy watch with a happy ending. Earlier on in the day we went with them and Joëlle's cousin, Daniel to visit the château de Requesens and have lunch in the nearby restaurant. Bounced our way there on a track for the last 10km only to find the restaurant closed! Still we visited the dolmen en route,the skies were blue and the scenery stunning. There are some of you who will know where I'm talking about as it's a trip we often make with visitors.
Made do with a rustic lunch (9€ incl wine) in Cantallops which means "cry of the wolves", if anyone is interested. Came back to La Jonquera where we found ourselves in a jungle of huge lorries. Taxi drivers in France have been on strike today (Sarko wants to liberalise the taxis) and about 300 of them blocked the frontier thus forcing lorries off the autoroute. Managed to weave our way through to take a backwoods road that in days gone by was a smugglers' route.
Yesterday was an altogther quieter day with some household chores, yes, I do do some every now and again and apéritifs at Joëlle and Michel's where the talk turned inevitably to the elections.

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