Friday 1 February 2008

On top of the world

Wasn't the best day weatherwise for a day out but even with a dull sky our destination was just fabulous. Went into Catalunya Sud (Spain to a lot of people) and the first stop was at a 12th century church next to a small farm where there were horses, goats, cattle, poultry and sitting on the lawn, 2 swans! There wasn't a drop of water to be seen so goodness knows where they came from.For the last 12km of the trip we zigzagged our way through woods overlooked by giant crags up to a sanctuary at 1,125m. It really did feel wonderful to have 360° views over the Pyrénées,the Garrotxa (volcanic)region and the plain. Shame, we forgot the camera, shame the church and restaurant were closed for repairs and shame there were telecommunication antennae just along side. Unbelievable. Still it was well worth the vertigo on the way up and we'll no doubt return with our next visitors. It could be you....
Had a cheap and cheerful lunch before returning home in time for a tea party at the bar.
To explain - we'd put some photos and a report of a couple's 60th wedding anniversary on the village web site and this was by way of a thank you. Aged 82 and 92, it's the kind of thing that leaves you with a great feeling and to think that some people say it's difficult to be accepted by the Catalans.Home again and lo and behold, our first comment on the blog. Thanks Edofglasgow for breaking our "duck".

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