Saturday 23 February 2008

Blue Skies

After several days of cloud, the sun is back and instead of being out enjoying it, here I am in front of the computer. That's one thing about living here, at least you don't feel obliged to make the most of the sun as you know it'll still be there tomorrow. Didn't even get to the market this morning as there was another meeting. My first but Christian's fourth since Monday not to mention all the informal electioneering we're doing. If André's list doesn't get in, it won't be for the want of trying. Had friend's round for dinner last night and today we had lunch out. Apparently, the paint fairy has been busy daubing 'Non à la T.H.T.' (no to the high tension powerlines that "they" want to put through the area) on the roads and there have been a couple of arrests as a consequence. Next Saturday there's a demo in Perpignan so we'll be on the bus that leaves from here ~ that'll take me back to the days of the miner's strike, marching through Glasgow behind a pipe band and ending up on Glasgow Green for speeches. While I'm reminiscing, is anyone watching "Ashes to Ashes"? A bit daft but doesn't it take you back? Ah, sigh, sigh.

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