Wednesday 30 September 2009

Take to the Skies!

A good homeward journey from Arhus in a full plane.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

This morning we went to where Lone works as a lecturer in a
Community Further Education College and then to look around an exhibition of
sculptures by Zimbawian artists housed in someone's garden. If only we'd had the space on the plane and oh yes, the money. Lunch was in a traditional restaurant set in a park. A little walk in the sunshine and then off to where Jesper works at the TV studios. We weren't really hungry but we had the tea and chocolate cake on offer in his office
all the same and the eating and drinking wasn't done yet ....
in the evening we went to a restaurant that
our hosts had wanted to try for a while. It was in a very old farm building with a minimialist interior set in a cobbled courtyard . The food being nouvelle cuisine was minimalist too but absolutely delicious. After all the heavy stuff that we'd eaten during the day, it was a perfect choice. All these contrasts were a great way to finish our stay in Denmark.

Monday 28 September 2009

Salty Old Queen of the Sea

A 8am start for the 1h.45 drive to Copenhagen where Lone acted as tourist guide while Jesper went to a meeting. Weather was dull so we started with a stroll around colourful Christiana, a somewhat anarchic squat in an large area that was once barracks. There were lots of interesting sights but there were also lots of signs that asked for 'no photos' - wonder why?? The best way to see the city Lone thought was by canal boat and this certainly got Christian's vote! The leisurely chug along the waterways was effortless, there was plenty to see and only a few drops of rain. Of course there was the little mermaid and as she's off to visit China at the beginning of next year our timing was good. Ready for lunch we headed off into the main shopping area lined with smart shops but they could wait. Ate in a Turkish restaurant, wandered a bit and then met up with Jesper for the return jouney to a light snack and take-it-east evening.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Ride in the Country

Fuzzy heads and tired feet were helped by a long lie followed by a great bruch cooked up by Jesper. As we couldn't waste the day, it was into the car to visit some of the Danish countryside. First stop was at an old farm in which they have a share dating back to their hippie days when several families bought it together. Today it's run by one of their number but they still retain visiting and voting rights. A truly pretty and peaceful place. The great outdoors continued with a trip to the sea (well, you're never far away from the water here) to friends' organic potato farm. They weren't there but we wandered around and visited a hut overlooking the sea which is used as a weekend escape in the warmer weather. After the agriculture came the art with a visit to Alexander and Beth's house for tea which was taken in Beth's new studio where she was laid up with a sprained ankle. We passed this tree on the way which is a work of art in itself. Home for dinner and to watch "Brokeback Moubtain".

Saturday 26 September 2009

Let's Party

Saturday started as Saturday always starts with a trip to the market. More or less all food with even a Scottish cheddar cheese maker who's been in Denmark for donkey's years. There was another wander through picturesque streets as far as the Hans Christen Anderson museum but we only stopped to buy post cards. Then it was lunch outside where several clients used the blankets that were provided but not us hardy souls, we're made of sterner stuff. Today is our wedding anniversary (18 years) and we celebrated by celebrating the 60th birthday of our hosts' friend Colette. The party was held in the workshop of her husband's (a famous sculpter) workshop. A rock n roll lesson, a dance card to fill, lots of fizz, scrummy buffet, friendly people and a taxi ride home with a bottle of champagne to keep us company! The Danes know how to pary!

Friday 25 September 2009

Up and Away!

Worked right up until the last moment yesterday to be ready for the off to Denmark. Quite reminded me of when I was working and I used post reports to Margaret from the airport to type. Left the house at 3.45am for the flight Gerona - Bilund. Arrived in semi-sunshine to a surprisingly flat countryside and a warm welcome from Lone and Jesper. Came home by a scenic route stopping off in a bakery for what else but a danish pastry which was accompanied by a free coffee. A leisurely lunch, a little rest and then a walk around Odense. Some very quaint streets particularly around the Hans Christian Anderson house. Had 2 wines and a tea outside in the square which cost 18€! Now we realise why Nordic folk find prices so reasonable when they come here.
In the evening we were whisked off to a professional ice-hockey match where nephews had played and Jesper's brother had been the coach. I don't think they should have retired as they lost! Still Christian was dead chuffed with his team shirt and there were fireworks, lots of razzamatazz and very little aggro.

Monday 21 September 2009

The Usual

Association meeting then to Viv and Pepe's for an apéro while Christian helped them sort out their planning form then there was another (impromtu) apéro this evening chez Jacques. There's just no escape! What a pity!

Sunday 20 September 2009

Slow to Recover

Thanks to our soirée last night, Jean-Louis obviously made enough not to bother to open up today so we had to take coffee at home with Viv and Pepe who we met as they were coming out of church. Too tired to cook so we went along to the auberge for lunch. It takes so much longer to recover these days. Linde came by in the evening and we finished off the cava lurking in the fridge then the bliss of a good night's sleep.

Saturday 19 September 2009

Belated Birthday Celebrations

Not content with getting ready for this evenings 'do' we participated in the European Museums' Open Doors day with a visit to La Jonquera. If you're a regular follower of the blog you'll know that we also did it last year. Well, this was a rerun with transport in military vehicles, museum visit, walk along the the route of the Retirada and lunch at the Auberge. There were fewer of us than last time partly as there was less publicity and partly with this being the 60th anniversary there was a major commemoration at Riversaltes where one of the biggest refugee camps was set up. Still the sense of history and the suffering of the people as they fled Franco and fascism was ever present. Among our number were some sons and daughters of the refugees and it was interesting that some of them asked why we (the Brits) were there. It didn't take long to explain...
The evening was a completely different affair ... an apéritif musical ... with a Catalan guitarist and a Scottish piper who played on the terrace of the local bar. There must have been about 70 of us altogether and it was the first time in my life that I had ever had a big birthday party! The piper went down a real treat and he was oh so patient when asked the usual question. It brought a real lump to my throat as he came walking across the square playing "Scotland the Brave". Rather than have birthday presents I asked if people would like to make a donation to a new association in the village which aims to support a group of women in the Democratic (!) Republic of Congo against whom rape has been used as weapon of war. Before you start to feel sorry for me this idea is not usual here in France so I did get some pressie's as well. Alistair stayed over for the night and a few of us continued in the house which meant that there was another chance to have "Flower of Scotland".

Friday 18 September 2009

Our Round

What a good night we had. 25 people from the association came around to sample the delights of pub games and pub grub. too many to cater for we settled for the elements of a Ploughman's buffet style. The scotch eggs done by Maggie went down a bomb and the pickled eggs I did went down like a lead balloon! The pork scratchings didn't have many takers either. The beer, however, was well appreciated. We were 'honoured' with the Maire's presence along with his wife and a couple of their German friends plus French and English in equal numbers, and a Uruguayan. Finally made it to bed at 2am feeling pleased with ourselves that all had gone so well..

Thursday 17 September 2009

Sleeves Rolled Up

Pub night tomorrow and the cave has to be cleaned so I gave the language exchange a miss. Well that was the theory as I had to go to take some papers and got caught up in other business. Oh being needed is such a buzz!! Most of the work was done in the afternoon as I couldn't resist meeting up with folk for the regular after session apéro.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

In Pursuit of Cheddar

With our pub night only a few days away we set off in search of Cheddar cheese and anything else vaguely pub foodish. Found the cheese but not much else so went on to Roses for a walk along the Prom. We hoped to find an untried restaurant for lunch but all the places we found were either to quiet, too busy or didn't live up to expectations. Hard to please or what? Don't answer that, Andy. Ended up in Garriguella at the windmill restaurant where prices had gone up since the last time we were there. In the evening I went along to the Council of Elders at the Mairie to try and sell the Photo Competition. I'm not holding my breath.

Saturday 12 September 2009

All Aboard!

22 of us from the Association set off to take Le petit Train Jaune as far as Mont Louis. It was a good crowd without the almost obligatory moaner, the scenery was superb and there were lots of laughs as we chugged our way up to 1,600m. Some took to the open carriages but we prefered a bit more comfort. A mini bus was at the station to take us the 1km or so up to the restaurant where we arrived just in time for a good lunch. Unfortunately as we left the resto to visit of the town, the rain came on but undaunted we went off to visit the citadelle with it's huge water wheel and well. The fort, built by the famous military architect, Vauban is still inhabited by a commando traing school so we weren't able to stray too far and just this year several towns with Vauban fortifications were listed by Unesco. By the time we were ready to walk down to the station, the rain had eased and despite the wet seats the same hardy few braved the outside carriages again. Not wanting to go straight home, Patrick, Jany and ourselves went into Villefranche for an apéritif and found a Visa gold card lying on the ground! Of course, we handed in to the bank the following but they didn't seem in the least bit interested to have any details. Strange and a bit perturbing.

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Keeping Busy

5th Sept: As usual it was the market where we met friends for a drink at the other bar. Warm sun shine and a frosty atmosphere.
6th Sept: The village played host to it's first 'farmer's and craft market. Today more sunshine and a jovial atmosphere to go with it. Feeling in a sociable mood we stayed on at the bar for lunch with Nick and Lizzie. In the evening we were back again to have a drink with Bill and Florence before they headed back to the States. Michelle and Jean-Jacques were there too so the day ended as it started, with good feelings all round.
7th Sept: First Monday of the month and as usual it was up to the mountains for Christian's surgery. Had Tea with Annette and introduced her to the delights of blogging. Then I walked back down to the village for a dinner of duck (surprise, surprise) with only Christian as Michel, who was not feeling too good, stayed just long enough for an apéro.
Of course, as well as enjoying ourselves socially there was plenty of work done for the Mairie and the Association during the rest of week, not to mention Christian's Saturday afternoon meeting.

Friday 4 September 2009

Low Carbon Footprint Travel

What a good time we had a Joséphine's "Chez Nous" that she did for the Association. a Franco-Sicilian lunch of apéritifs with Mediterranean nibbles to kick us off. The main course was basically a hot sandwhich stuffed with mortadella, basil, olive oil, cheese and tomato and it was delicious. Watermelon is the dessert of preference and it's traditionally cut up by the man of the house and seemingly this is his only contribution to domestic life. Off course there were liquers, coffee and loads of wine to wash down the food and machismo!
No sooner were we home from there than it was time to head to the Museum for the latest "opening". The exhibition was based on the artist's travels in Vietnam and was needless to say followed by an apéritif. Geneviève, is a member of the Association so we were out in force to support her.

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Hello Sailor!

A trip to Empuriabrava in search of British pub food was a welcome relief from the charged atmosphere that surrounded us. found a few beers but nothing much else. It's a relatively recent town (1967) built along 40kms of canals that go out to the sea. there's no obvious centre and as we don't know it, not being in with the boating set, we had to take potluck for lunch. As it turned out, the restaurant that we chose was run by a French couple and it wasn't bad for what it was. Came home with nearly an hour wasted trying to get across the border.

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Ever Helpful

Michel wasn't in good form so Christian drove him down to Barcelona airport to pick up Rumanain friends. As they wanted to sightsee he was away until late in the evening.