Sunday 31 January 2010

Power Walking

Sunday mornings a group of women in the neighbourhood walk together and today was no exception. We did just over five miles through the West End, along the canal, through the botanic gardens ending up at Nick's Bar for a coffee and croissants. The sun was shing so it was worth the early start. All along the way, we had regular updates of Andy Murray's progress against Federer in the final but sad to say, he lost. Andy that is not Roger.
Once back at the ranch it was time to pack our bags again and move on to the last part of our visit at Eddie and Suzanne's. They too, like fresh air and excercise so off we went in the afternoon to visit Pollock House built in the 18th century and home to an important collection of Spanish paintings. As there was no room in the tearoom we walked through the park to the Burrell and it was the same story there. There was nothing else to do but come home, put our feet up and be couch potatoes through several episodes of "Spinal", a French detective series which was even in French!

Saturday 30 January 2010

Even More Walking

The sun is still still shining though it's bitterly cold but the latter is no excuse for hardy Scots not to walk. We made it as far as Kelvingrove where we stopped at the museum for a hot chocolate. Parted company at this point as Christian was ready to catch a bus into town. Started off with lunch at "Urbane", part of the same group as the Dining Room" and we would say, even better. Looked at the shops, had a drink in the "Horseshoe Bar" which is now full of tvs on the walls and a shadow of its former self. Took a taxi back in time for a tapas style dinner for which we were joined by Jess and Eamon. Jess is a humanist celebrant and Eamon was for a long time, Chair of Glasgow City Council Finance Committee so conversation was lively though with the prospect of an 8.30am walk we decided to be reasonable and get to bed before midnight.

Friday 29 January 2010

Staging Post

28th -29th December
A couple of days in which to do a few bits and pieces and repack our bags. The time wasn't without interest though; Giselle (Philippe's ex-wife) turned up out of the blue to say hello and I had a day out in Figueres with Rowena and Pauline. Didn't buy anything, didn't eat anywhere special and came home shivering but it was good to see them both after such a long time.

More Walking

A little bit of sun so Andy and Maureen had us up and out to walk down to Byers Road for a hot chocolate in a converted church, formerly Kelvinside Parish Church now named Òran Mór which means the 'great melody of life' or 'big song'. Beautifully done out, the establishment (it's much more than a bar) hosts the ever more popular "A Pie, a Pint and a Play" evenings. Home for lunch, still on foot and while Christian had a siesta I went into town for a bit of shopping before we all met up for a meal at the trendy "Dining Room" on Bath Street. From there it was away home for Andy and Maureen while we went to the "Transatlantic Sessions" courtesy of complimentary tickets that Dougie obtanied for us through his brother, Aly. For those of you who aren't into fiddle music, Aly is the man. The conert was "pure dead brilliant" as Glaswegians say and we did spare a thought for Andy and Maureen who missed out.

Thursday 28 January 2010

On the Move

Packed our bags and set off with Noel for Glasgow and our stay with Maureen and Andy who were house-sitting for a friend. Andy Murray won through to the final of the Australian Open in the morning and in the afternoon Maureen and I went to the sales in the swish shops on Hyndland road. We were joined by Christian and Andy at Nick's Bar for a little apéro before walking back. As we had to pass Jill and Esme's door, we took a chance and found them in. If you're wondering who they are ... Jill was a lecturer on the University Social Work course and I did some work with her. Esme had celebrated her 80th birthday the previous Sunday so of course we had to toast her health. I'm pleased to say both were in good form and apart from the cold enjoying life. Arrived back to find more apéritifs ready ti while away the time before Dougie, Andy's cycling friend, joined us for dinner.

Wednesday 27 January 2010

Lazy Tourists

Yes, you've guessed it, the weather is still dreech so we didn't do much during the day but have a walk around the town taking photos and visiting the museum and graveyard. In the evening we made a quick visit to Angus and maureen's to see their new house before meeting up with Colin and Sheila in Saffi's a bistro type place in Ayr. It was a bit of a disappointment but glad to say that our Prestwick pals weren't. Caught up with all their news and had a laugh before they drove us back to Mauchline.

Tuesday 26 January 2010

On the Burns Trail

Weather still dreech but there was a warm welcome at "Souter Johnnie's", the latest addition to the Costley restaurant empire. Souter Johnnie was a drinking buddy of Rabbie's but this 21st century hostelery was an altogether more sedate affair. As with his other places the decor while a bit touristy was well done and not in the least bit tacky. What's more we ate well. Here, in Kirkoswald Bill Costley has created a little Burns enclave with thatched rooves over the restaurant, tearoom, deli, gift shop and chocolaterie. However, despite all this and two days in Burns country, I've still not managed to find some decent postcards.

Monday 25 January 2010

Rabbie was Here!

Rabbie Burn's birthday and we were in Mauchline where he lived for some time. Stayed in the b&b around the corner from Ann and Noel's and what else should we have for breakfast but haggis! Weather was cold and dreech but hey it's January and we were there to see friends. In the morning we went off to get Christian a 'Tomtom' to put in the new car when it finally arrives and it's lovely to see him smiling at me again!
In the evening Angus and Maureen were around for dinner and of course a rendition of 'My love is like a red, red rose' sung by Angus and with all that we had to drink, he wasn't far wrong. Ann's Mum who is 92 and doesn't drink looks just wonderful so the moral of the story, folks, is .....

Sunday 24 January 2010

Last Minute

Apart from going to the market yesterday, all my time has been spent in front of the computer trying to tie up things before our departure for Glasgow; all Christian's time has been spent moaning at me for taking on to much. Still, we managed to get away on time, the flight was good and I've resolved to cut back!

Friday 22 January 2010

More Speeches, More Galette

As the snow had prevented people from the other village from coming down to hear the Mayor's New Year wishes, the Mayor and a few of the faithful went up there to do an action replay. Fortunately this time it was much shorter and people seemed well pleased that he had made the effort. It all ended with another galette des rois and more cider. It's a hard old life when you're spreading too quickly around the middle!

Thursday 21 January 2010

Down Mexico Way

No tapas today after the language exchange as our neighbour Jacques had invited us to his place for lunch. Also there were his son and his girlfriend, Geneviève, Anna and Gérard , Marcelle and Jean-Claude. Lunch kicked off (and I use the word advisedly) with margharitas and before we knew it it was after 7pm. As jacques had lived in Mexico and been married to a Mexican, it was all very authenique. Yummy!

Sunday 17 January 2010

Went to buy a Car and didn't come back with a Settee

This time we set out to look at a new car and did the deal without too much hesitation and if you don't understand the settee reference, just ask. Back to BMW and it seems to be so much more economical on fuel and doesn't have "runflat" tyres which means that hopefully we'll limit our running costs. Christian is dead pleased of course. On our way back we stopped off at a Lebanese restaurant which does quite a good weekday menu for 14€. Tuesday the Mayor invited the village to the Foyer Municipal for the traditional "vœux" which consisted of him giving a rundown of what the Council have been doing over this last year and what they hope to do next year. 5 more speeches and nearly two hours after we'd arrived we were finally able to get at the apéritifs. André, the mayor was in buoyant mood and we were invited back to his place to finish off the evening. Thursday there was a committee meeting and the language exchange followed by a tapas lunch. Friday I went for my well woman check up and was delighted to have not put on as much weight as I'd feared and my blood pressure was the best that it's ever been. After that it was afternoon tea at Josette's. Jean-Jacques came around for dinner last night and today I've been catching up with computer stuff. So all in all a pretty good week for us and I can't help thinking about the earthquake in Haiti and how lucky we are....

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Coffee and Cake

Jo (Welsh from an Italian family) invited about 30 women around to celebrate her birthday which was this weekend. I was very reasonable with what I ate and only had one mouthful of bubbly as when I went to pick up my glass, it was gone! What's more, I walked there and back. Well, the weekly reading of the scales was disappointing to say the least. Oh dear, and tonight there will be an apéritif following the Maire's New Year wishes.
Sarkozy is in Perpignan today to present his "voeux/wishes" to the health profession. What with the flu vaccine scandal ( millions too many doses ordered), it will be interesting to see how he gets on.

Sunday 10 January 2010

Galettes Galore!

The galettes this afternoon were at Juste and Joséphine's. She had made two herself which meant that there were huge slices for us all. Pauline and Simon, Philippe and Bridgit, Lucie and Contin all seemed to do well at resisting a second slice while Christian and I were made of weaker stuff. At least I didn't have a 3rd ... well, we are supposed to be cutting down and even with two gosI didn't find the 'fevre' and get to be Queen ! The afternoon became evening and the leftover galette was put away in favour of pizza, a speciality of Joséphine's who originates from Sicily. That's Joséphine, if you hadn't worked that out for yourselves, and Peanut, the kitten. There's talk of five of us going over in the late spring so come to think of it, I'd better get a new passport organised.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Spanish Rice

The Ebre region in Spain (south of Tarragona) is known for it's bird life and rice production and as Thérèse and Joan (Catalan for John) are back from a visit there we, Marie-Andrée, Jean and Françoise were invited for a paella; after we'd looked at few photos, of course. The conversation with a politcal edge was wide ranging and at times became heated. Unlike last night night though, no one got upset ... there must be a moral there somewhere.

Friday 8 January 2010

Team Building?

This evening we were invited by the President of the Association to drink champagne (and we did) and to bring the nibbles (and we did). Only Maggie ignored the three line whip. For anyone who's done a "team day", someone usually upsets someone and we were no exception and all over the village hairdresser. The antagonist (who will remain nameless) siad that people came out looking as if the hairdresser had cut their hair with a chain saw. Didn't go down well with those present (about half) who go there! Otherwise it was a pleasant evening!

Thursday 7 January 2010

Three Snow Queens

Well, I've finally done it. I've given in notice to the village web site that I'm finishing in February. No more St Jordi to organise, no more Christmas market, no more feeling guilty though I'm sure that won't mean that life moves over into the slow lane. After three days of damp weather and watching snow bound UK and Normandy on the tv, the snow has started to come down here. Christian is at the Mairie until 5pm and then has a meeting at 6pm. I've been fighting with the computer trying to create a forum to attach to the association's website. I never seem to learn but we do need (well, "moi" in my wisdom, thinks that we do) a means of quick communication between members. A bit ironic really given where I started this post but at least once this one's up and running I shouldn't have much to do.
This morning we had the traditional galette des rois (see last year's post around this time) with about 40 members of the association. All very jolly. Last year there were three wise kings, this year the women are fighting back... and that's before we hit the traditional accompaniment of cider!
A busy weekend coming up socially so you'll notice there's no comment about the diet. Christian's back a wee bit early and has just shouted up that tea's ready so we'll light the fire and and feel glad that we're not having to live rough.

Sunday 3 January 2010

One Day to Go

Tomorrow the diet starts so what better way to empty the fridge of any temptation than to invite friends around for an apéritif dinatoire. Jany, Patrick, Juste, Joséphine, a brief appearnce from Michel a log fire, three bottles of champagne and we were in business.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Looking Good

Came back from Limoux after breakfast. Weather was cold at 2° until we neared home when temperatures picked up to 11°. A pretty lazy afternoon then it was over to Maggie and Trevor's for dinner of roast beef and yorkshire pud followed by bread and butter pudding made with brioche by Jo. Unbeknown to us it was Trevor's 70th; he's still working so maybe that explains why he looks so young though he says it's because he only lives here with Maggie part time!

Friday 1 January 2010

New Year 2010

Took ourselves over to Marie and Pierre's near Limoux (where the blanquette comes from which as well as being a French creamy veal stew is a sparkling wine made in this area.)
Jean-Michel, Sylvie and their 3 spaniels were already there. Worked our way through a number of bottles and two ducks though once again I didn't feel well and went to bed soon after the bells. That's the second time at their place and the second New Year's eve running that I've taken ill and before you start nodding wisely, it aint because I'd drunk too much.
The next day I stuck to water and was fed braised chicory instead of chips and I have to say that I was in better shape than the rest of them but not as well satisfied! Weather was wet and windy which put pay to Marie's bright idea of a bbq lunch when the bbq took off across the garden scattering embers as it went. Otherwise it was a lazy day of reading, watching the New Year's concert from Vienna and sleeping.

Happy 2010

Wishing all our friends a Happy and Healthy New Year. Let's hope that we'll meet up in 2010.