Sunday 27 March 2011

Carnaval Mark 2

The weather forecast had threatened rain but in the end, it held off until the carnaval had finished. In his guise as local councillor, Christian was up and out early and I wasn't too far behind. In the morning there was a reenactment of an attack by the Trabucayres, " famous mountain outlaws, bands of individuals who, on behalf of social banditry, political or foul, robbed, kidnapped, and ransomed diligences, owners and farmers from 1837 to 1846. The name comes from the Catalan word "Trabuc" a short-barreled shotgun used at that time. Despite their cruelty, the Trabucayres were treated as avengers to social injustice. This feeling was strengthened because their crimes were addressed to the "bourgeois." In addition, Trabucayres preceded their acts with religious rituels to absolve them from all sin, thus reinforcing their popularity among common people. The legend is still alive and a source of pride among border populations." (description taken from Wikipedia)
a couple of glasses of wine and then it was time for lunch in the village bar. No sooner was that over than it was time to put on our Jimmy wigs and join the carnaval cavalcade. Went home feeling pretty tired after the prize giving to find that the giant penguin from one of the floats (the rugby team) was siting on top of the fountain.

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