Sunday 20 March 2011

Ups and Downs

18th - 20th March:
Much to my surprise I'm still going to my Spanish group; the problem is that I'm not very good on the follow up bit. Apart from that, Friday was a pretty non-descript day.
Yesterday the market called . The weather was sunny and we had "un verre" in one bar with Gaby and Chantal, newly home from 3 months in Thailand and another in another bar with Jean and Françoise. Lacking any motivation to cook we decided upon lunch out. Returning to the car we stumbled upon a group from the village who were getting ready for the carnival parade. Thankfully here, it was just coffee that was on offer. As it was the last afternoon of the six nations we went over to the bar to watch Ireland wallop England. There weren't many people in but the Irish woman there more than made up for it with her gleeful encouragement of her country's team. Scotland won too which salvaged a bit of their pride. There was also the annual parade to mark the end of the Algerian war and it was my Little Sis's birthday.
Today we've tried to be a bit more healthy. After a coffee in the bar we went to an "alternative" health fair that was taking place in the village for the first time. Then, I did my Postwoman Patricia bit around the village with Association letters and called in to Patrick and Nicole's for a catch up. Being Sunday, I came home hoping to find that Christian had cooked the duck breast but ...... no he hadn't ...... can't tell you what a bad mood that catipulted me into.
Managed to shake off my hard-done-to feelings by mid afternoon when we went for a walk; sun shining, birds singing, trees in blossom and several village people out collecting wild asparagus all helped to balance the old ying and yang.

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