Saturday 26 March 2011

Our Hotel

Being a modern golf hotel, our hotel was at the other end of the time scale. It was every bit, if not more comfortable with wonderful views over the countryside to the mountains. After our respective copious breakfasts we set off to wind our way up to the sanctuary, "la Mare de Deu del Mont". At 1,080m there are views of 360°. The binoculars came out which led to a mine-are-better-than-yours bit of banter between Christian and Joséhine. Coffee on the terrace in warm sunshine above the clouds was relaxing and revitalising and I even managed to order the drinks in Spanish!
Having gone up we then retraced our steps for part of the way hoping that we wouldn't meet much traffic coming the other direction. Turned off to Beuda and had lunch in a typical restaurant where the waiting staff were run off their feet.
Finished our trip with a visit to Besalú, a medieval town that once had a sizeable Jewish population until it was walled in and then driven out.
The trip was over but not the day. In the evening the four of us were invited with Kathy around to Linde's for supper and to watch "J'ai oublié à te dire ...", a film starring Omar Sharif that was filmed locally. The theme was moving and of course, it was fun trying to spot where the various scenes were shot.

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