Friday 11 March 2011

Photoless Week

We've been pretty busy again this week but sadly, I've not taken any photos to brighten up the post; so, all you're getting is a catalogue of events.
7th March: Early morning appointment with the Cardiologist and as a result, Christian has to go back into the clinic to have the pacemaker moved from one side to the other. The surgeon had only been unable to pass a line into the upper chamber of Christian's heart and as a consequence it's not in synch. In the evening there was the monthly surgery up in the mountains where there were two visitors, both paying a social call. The restaurant is still on it's winter break so no duck breast; however, the owner did invite us up for an apéritif. We were also invited up to one of the Association's new members for another apéritif and interestingly, her husband plays "bluegrass" which isn't very common hereabouts.
8th March: International Women's Day Centenary celebrated with lunch at the village bar!
9th March: A trip to Figueres but we resisted the temptation to have lunch out and settled for a coffee in the sun instead. In any case Christian's corn was giving him gyp; feeling tired and breathless he was happy to get home. Dinner at Maggie and Trevor's where we met their daughter and son-in-law who were down for a few days and had supplied the fresh venison that we tucked into.
10th: Christian's corn was dealt with and is no more, well, at least for the time being; the little blighters have a habit of coming back.
11th March: Woke up to the news of the eathquake and tsunami in Japan. Dreadful pictures of the devastation and fears for the state of the nuclear energy plant. Madeleine was here for lunch, Trevor and Judith called in ..... and of course, Mairie and Association stuff all through the week.

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