Saturday 12 March 2011

Menu for Two

The weather was glorious yesterday and today being the carnival, it tipped it down with rain. The parade and street theatre had to be cancelled but has been rearranged for later in the month however, we still went as planned to have lunch with about 13 others at the bar. The patron offered us an apéritif on the house, the food was good and the price reasonable so Jean-Louis is back in our good books.
Looked in on the kids entertainment briefly in the afternoon; you know, the usual stuff - clown, magician, confetti, squidgy foam, a lot of noise.
In the evening there was the fancy dress dance with disco and tapas. We managed to put something together at the last minute. There were more elaborate costumes and there were also people who weren't dressed up but it was fun to make at least a bit of effort. Called in at the bar on our way home where we met our Danish friends but were home by 11pm. Well, with Christian's admission to hospital tomorrow, it was the most sensible option.

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