Sunday 11 August 2013

In Need of Reining In

This has been a week of excess; eating and drinking and our bodies, mine more than Christian's, are
grumbling loudly at the ill treatment. The weather continues to be hot, energy levels are low and the treadmill has gone back into mothballs.
Monday, 5th: Christian's surgery in the other village. Annette wasn't around but I bumped into Francine and we sat in her garden drinking juice and chatting until Christian had finished. As usual there weren't any clients. Went to the restaurant for a bite to eat opting for salad hors d'œuvres and omelette instead of a 3 course meal. There you are, it's not always duck but it was still more than enough.
Tuesday,6th: We were invited along with Carmen, the Mayor,  and his wife to the President of the Twinning Committee's house for a soirée he'd organised for the Normans. What we thought was to be an apéritif dinatoire was followed by a bbq!
Wednesday, 7th: Round 2 with the Mairie folk, this time at Valérie and Eric's. Huge seafood platter followed by scallop pie.
Thursday, 8th: No committee meeting but we had the language exchange and rosé at the bar afterwards. In the evening, Diana and Robin had invited us, Roger and Martine to the lake for dinner. Called in at the bar as there was music on and had more rosé. Not a good idea.
Friday, 9th: Had a miserable night up and down to the bathroom; I'll spare you the details; spent nearly all day in bed sleeping. Thought at first that it was the excess but I've since heard that Valérie and Sandrine weren't well either so maybe it was the seafood. Dragged myself over to the flamenco show outside the Mairie as it was Christian that had laid it all on. Stayed on for the meal afterwards (which didn't start until after 11pm) and didn't eat a thing even tough I'd only had
some dry toast in the afternoon. The only thing to pass my lips was water! A couple of young men helped carry stuff home for us and they came in for a drink so it was 3am when we fell into bed.
Saturday, 10th: Made an early start for the crematorium for a neighbour's funeral and apart from a coffee in the bar afterwards we didn't venture out. Feeling tired and still not 100%.
Sunday, 11th: Coffee in the bar, no alcohol for either of us and an afternoon ironing while Christian slept. Went over to Jean-Jacques for an apéritif and ended up staying for scrambled eggs and sauted potatoes. Yet again there was music in the bar but this time we only stopped to listen for a short while.
Next week isn't quite as busy but there are still meals out on the horizon. Just hope to get some energy back and a stomache that will cope.

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