Friday 2 August 2013

Hot and Busy Days

31st: This evening, the long promised BBQ chez Sandrine and Manu, who both work at the Mairie, arrived. but first of all I went to the restaurant for an "Apérobio".  Nothing other to say about either event  apart from, we ate well and laughed a lot. Oh yes, nearly forgot; next week we're invited to Valerie's who also works at the Mairie, for Round Two. I guess there will be a Round 3 at ours the following week.
1st: There's still wall to wall sunshine and even under the shade of the trees it was warm at the Language Exchange. Had our usual glass of rosé at the bar but came straight home for lunch. This evening we were back at the bar for a musical evening of songs from the 40's and 50's. The terrace was packed with a mostly grey haired audience!
2nd: With so many late nights, the treadmill has gone the way of many good intentions; no, let's say "gone but not forgotten" as I really must get back into action. Christian on the other hand is doing well to keep up his morning walk around the village.
With lovely weather, it was too tempting to stay home so we took ourselves over to the bar for a glass of what else but rosé;  tell a lie, we did start with a coffee. Robert came by and came with us to a local auberge to look at a exhibition of drift wood sculptures done by someone from the village and to have lunch. It's been a long time since we've eaten there and sad to say that the "rapport qualité/prix" is no better than it was when we decided to cross it off our list. Shame, 'cos the people are friendly and as you will have realised, we like to support village establishments.
Spent the afternoon quietly with the fan whirring away until it was time to go to a double vernissage. One in the Mairie and one straight afterwards in the Museum. Met up with Jacques who invited us back for a drink; a nice drop of Balvenie for Christian while he and I polished off the last bottle of Gaillac sparkling wine.

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