Sunday 25 August 2013

A Week's Worth

19th August: Rather belatedly, I went for my annual "well woman" check up and all is well except for the weight gain. Called in to see Juste and Joséphine had tea, apéritifs and were invited to stay for something to eat. True to form it was impossible to avoid village politics and true to form discussion was heated but stopped short of a full blown argument. Always, the same rehash  with no change of opinion.  Sadly with élections looming in March next year, it can only get worse! Not sure that my blood pressure will stay as low as it was this afternoon.
20th: Back on the treadmill this morning while listening to "Coffee Break Spanish" and a walk around the village this afternoon. Must keep it up, must keep it up, must, must, must.......
21st: Yes, I did! Just as well as we went to the restaurant for some wine and (very) small plate of tapas. We were still lingering in the cool of the evening with a drop of rosé still in the bottle when the Mayor, his wife and grandaughter arrived and joined us. So, we stayed for something to eat; salad for me and grilled mixed fish for Christian.
22nd: Didn't have time for the treadmill this morning as I had a meeting with the person who's going to be dealing with the membership table on excel. Was she enthusiastic at the prospect? Was she heck as like!!! Christian joined us for a drink in the bar after the language exchange where Terry tried to recruit me for a "Fantasy Football" league. Apparently, you put a team together but not being able to even think of any other name for my hypothetical team than "the No Hopers", he gave up! Result!
23rd: Another funeral at the crematorium this morning and as usual we manged to go all around the
Wreakin to get there. This time it was our friend Josette's sister. Joan (Jean), from the village was there too and he sang two or three songs in Catalan which lightened the mood. Came home and had a rosé at the bar where we were joined by Jean-Jacques. This evening we walked over to André and Jeannine's for dinner. Jean-Jacques had been invited too. It was another international affair with 2 Germans and a Polish/English man who too lives in Germany. Not having much opportunity to speak English, he was delighted to sit opposite me as he didn't speak any French. I walked home with JJ, Christian got a lift. Ended the evening at the bar where there was music and a good atmosphere, it being the Patron's 50th birthday. I remember when he was a lot slimmer and able to climb into our bread oven when he celebrated an earlier birthday in our cave!
24th: For the first time in ages we went to the market as last night Henri had promised us an apéritif.
It wasn't long before we were joined by André, Michelle and the three Germans. They were all due to go to a reception at the Mairie as part of the twinning visit. We resisted André's invitation to join them, prefering to wait for Michel who we hadn't seen for a while.
For the first time in ages, it rained heavily this afternoon though the sun came out again and the communal meal that we were due to go to with some other village folk (not our usual set of friends) to the village that we raised money for after the fires last year wasn't cancelled. One of our number managed to get lost but the rest of us found the tiny hamlet with at least an hour to spare before it was due to start at 9h and it  meant that we could "bag" seats together. By the time that we were served at 9h30 we were well hungry. Still the meal was excellent, chaucuterie, roast chicken, sausage and rabbit in a delicious sauce, dessert, coffee, wine, cava and liquer and all for 12€/head. There were at least 130 people packed into the square. Our presence was toasted and the Mayor was saying that they hope to come to our October Fair, so even though we're not twinned with them, links are being forged. We left at about midnight, leaving the others to the dancing to a live group.
25th: Treadmill, salad lunch and apart from the ironing, we both had a lazy day with not even an apéritif on our terrace at lunch time. Then the new series of "Montalbano" on the French tv ... ahhhhh!

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