Sunday 18 August 2013

All Around Sound

At last! A rain shower yesterday morning but it didn't last long. Just as well as that evening there was an outdoor meal, concert and disco. The concert part was a choir from the western part of the Pyrenees. What voices : unaccompanied and powerful. Michel, one of the singers and his wife Getta  were staying with us for B & B.
After the concert we gave the meal a miss, as we couldn't face a paella and went instead for a quiet drink at the bar and had an early night.
This morning, while the choir sang at Mass (in front of the Archbishop) Christian and I were over at the Mairie to help Carmen prepare the apéritif. There was a moment of panic when people started arriving as there must have been about 100 folk. Still, there was enough to eat and drink and the choir broke into song at various intervals.
Then came lunch at the Foyer ... chicken couscous and very good it was too. The archbishop blessed us (!) and the Mayor sang as did the choir. I can't describe what it was like to be in the middle of such beautiful voices. Goose pimples and tears for us more sensitive souls.

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