Saturday 31 August 2013

Happy Couple

Quite a slow start this morning but no matter. Spent the afternoon doing the last of the bits and pieces for the association. Christian is well pleased that I won't be forever bugging him to correct my written French. Managed to get it all done in time to get ready to go to a "Vin d'honneur" after a wedding. (Son of the Secretary General at the Mairie). There were really good canapés and lots of people to chat to. Jean-Afterwards Jacques invited us along with the Mayor and his wife for an imprompu omelette and oven chips at his place. Hearing voices as he passed, Michel came and joined us as did Sylvie a bit later on. We had thought to take a nightcap at the bar on our way home but we found the terrace empty apart from Jean-Louis and his partner who were tucking in to stuffed squid. I won't go into what the two squid looked like, suffice it to say, I was pleased that we'd eaten at Jean-Jacques'!


  1. Hello Hello - where is the news?
    Len and Kathy

  2. We've been away so watch out for the forthcoming posts for details. The moorhens have been earning their keep these last couple of days .

  3. Me again. Life's been sooooo busy but from today I'll start to catch up. The moorhens that I referred to in my last comment are of course, Pukekos. For those of you who've no idea what I'm talking about, they're birds from New Zealand and are on an umbrella left here by our kiwi cousins. G'day Ken & Kathy, hope you're having fun, whatever you're doing. Rxx
