Sunday 4 August 2013

Two sets of Twins

It was good to be able to put the hood down during our drive over the border to the village fête of our other "twin" as it helped blow away last night's cobwebs. The fête took it's usual form .... market stalls of local crafts and produce, a stroll around the village following traditional musicians much like the children of Hamelin followed the Pied Piper and a substantial apéritif.
Our Norman friends came along a bit later, so it was a great opportuntity to photo the 3 Mayors together. The local Mp of the Catalan Parliament also go in on the act but that was ok as he always turns up for these events and doesn't rush off at the earliest possible moment.
14 of us stayed on for lunch even though we'd all said that we weren't hungry after the apéritif. Home for a rest via Maggie's and what we thought would be a moment of calm before going along to the bar to hear some music later on in the evening. Bruno, from Normandy telephoned to say that they'd forgotten to buy rosé and could we help them out, Yes, we could! We were invited over for an apéro and light supper. Then we all went to the bar at about 10.30pm for the tail end of the music in the cool of the night.

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