Saturday 14 September 2013

Chilling Out

10.9.13: A lazy day spent close to home (because of the rain) until it was time to go over to see Lydie and Bernard for dinner.
11.9.13: Cold and miserable but we went to the local market only to find that the old characterful café is no more. Found a café near to the house where we were soon talking to the locals only to find that we'd met one of the clients at our local market.  He's from the same family as the stall holder that we buy cheese from and had been down in our neck of the woods on holiday. Small world, eh?
12.9.13: Weather still miserable, so gave the market a miss and went to the Pissaro exhibition featuring paintings of the ports of Rouen. Dieppe and Le Havre in the Musée Malareaux. The restaurant was fully booked so we came back to Montivillers (photo) where the market had finished and had lunch in the "Pomme et Cannelle". We'd been thinking for a while that we'd like to try it but now our curiosity is satisfied, there's no reason to go back.
13.9.13: Did some supermarket shopping as we're cooking dinner this evening. Weather miserable, chilly but dry so we were able to have a walk along the prom at Fécamp before lunch with Christophe at "Terras Nuevas". This time we had an excellent meal; lots of verrines.
Our meal in the evening was a simple affair, apéritifs, pasta with smoked salmon sauce, cheese and petits fours.
14.9.13: Caught up with "Young Moltabano" who's as beguiling as his older self. The mannerisms and reflexions are the same but it's difficult imagining this thin, curly haired, bearded young man becoming the Salvo of later life that we first met. It is fun though being introduced to all the characters that we already know. Later in the afternoon we went over to Valérie and Guilhaume's for the night and celebrated Hugo's birthday..

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