Thursday 19 September 2013

Pleased to Meet You!

19.9.13: A day off! Yes, a lazy start, lunch at The Bell and a zip around the shops in Stratford. Weather was ok but better than that, it was just us. On our return, we called in to see Joan who's moved around the corner from Jill and seems to be happy in her new house.
20.9.13: Started the day with a visit from Ollie, Tash and the new baby who is just a week old. She's a wee smasher! From the youngest relative to the oldest .... picked up Mum and took her to the garden centre for lunch. Pleasant surroundigs but like the one earlier in the week, there seems to be less emphasis on the  garden side of things and more on eating and gifts. Supermarket shopping ... what joy and then home.

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