Wednesday 18 September 2013

Pub Fare

17.9.13: Met up with Mum in the town, visited several charity shops in search of china cups and saucers. No success in that department but came away instead with a lovely M & S winter skirt. Went to "El Café" for coffee. It's a tiny little place which has good reviews on Tripadvisor. In fairness we didn't eat there but quite honestly, there was nothing to set it apart from any other café. These jaundiced eyes are too used to the real thing.
Mum treated us to an upmarket pub lunch in the village where we met contempories from the village that I hadn't seen for years and years. Our meal was fine but Mum wasn't very happy that the September menu didn't include the gammon that she'd had and enjoyed in August. The terrine that she had instead didn't meet with approval so I guess this place will be struck off. Shame as the only other place in the village serves run-of-the-mill fare which we're more than happy to give a miss. You know what they say about pleasing people ......?

18.9.13: Today we went for another pub meal, this time "The Fleece" in Bretforton. It was worth it just fo r the character of the place which dates from the time of Chaucer. If you're interested you can read about its history on  Although sunny outside, its dim interior made it cool enough for a fire but the wood was damp and it smoked. It all added to the atmospere.
From here we went to the Evesham garden centre where 90% of the visitors  were elderly people on an afternoon out. Every year there seems to be going more and more downhill.
The evening redressed the age balance as Jill's kids came around with their families so we met JJ for the first time and heard Isla count and say her alphabet. Much more fun.

1 comment:

  1. Sound like a good trip !! please say Hi from Kathy and I to any family you see !!
    Good to see the blog updated !! Love K & K
