Sunday 8 September 2013

A Sporting Chance

An 8h30 start for Bayeux where we gave the tour of the Cathedral a miss, preferring to go and have a
coffee with Agnes instead. Had a stroll and met up with Loïc and Anneka for a drink before it was back to the village hall for a copious lunch. This I'm sure was sabotage as in the afternoon there were a series of games:
  • boules
  • badmington
  • basketball
  • equilibrium on a (gym) bar
  • scrabble
  • hoola hoop
  • quiz on Normandy
There were 11 teams, 3 from here. Not everyone from our group took part though Christian and I courageously responded to the challenge albeit on different teams. There was even a cup for our participation.
At least having burnt a few calories in the afternoon, the evenings gala dinner was managable ...... more so than all the speeches and exchange of gifts.

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