Thursday 5 September 2013

About Turn

Spent a lazy few hours after lunch on our own as François and Jojo had to leave  for an appointment in Paris. Made sure that all was lockred up and secure and were half way to our twinned town when we realised that we'd left the shopping that friends had asked us to do in the fridge. No worries we'd left the key as asked in the neightbour's letterbox. The neighbour was in but her husband had gone off with the letterbox key and she didn't know when he'd be back. By this time we were starting to be running late so off we went again. The Gps wasn't aware that the entry road to the town was blocked off so we ended up nearly in Caen and had to turn around.
By the time we 'd made it to the village hall, the bus from the village had arrived and the apéritif was in full swing.
There was a quick meal at Agnes's with whom we were "billeted"where we were joined by Bruno & Christine, the owners of the charcuterie that we'd left in the fridge. Then a concert given by Axel Bauer (a bit of a passed-it cult guitarist/singer) to inaugurate the new hall. Stayed the course until 2am. you can find a taster here:

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