Monday 16 September 2013

No Frills Sailing

Stopped off for coffee with Gilbert and Jacqueline, who have finally sold their shoe shop, before going to catch the ferry. Oh dear, we really need to go for another means of crossing the channel as the new owners of the line can only be considered as the maritime equivalent of Ryanair. Pitiful facilities and it was an old non roll on / roll off boat. That meant that when it was time to disembark all the cars had to back and turn around thus taking nearly an hour as a consequence. To add insult to injury, the crossing was so rough that once we were out at sea, we weren't allowed out on deck. Our sad little picnic was eaten in the seats where we spent the whole of the 5.5 hour voyage.  Finally arrived at Jill's after midnight where a cup of cocoa and plenty of tlc put us right..

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