Piled on the kgs today to help raise money for the Téléthon. About 120 of us sat down to lunch in the
village hall. An ollada was on the menu, a Catalan dish made from all the bits of a pig that you wouldn't normally eat. It's very tasty but I stuck to the white beans, veg and sauce. Jany, right recited a couple of poems and there was dancing. Oh dear, not quite a tea dance but with the madison in the repetoire, it wasn't far from it. On our way home, we called in to take a cuppa with Jean-Jacques but resisted the temptation to linger for an apéritif.
This morning went around to Geneviève's with Nick to help her get to grips with the membership database and in the afternoon I updated the website and deivered the latest bulletin. So much for withdrawing from the association! This evening went with Christian for his monthly surgery in the mountains, armed with a blanket and hot water bottle ..... I kid you not! An old building that only gets opened once a month, I needed to be prepared and glad I was too. Christian is made of sterner stuff , shunning all offers of a wee heat! After a couple of hours without a living soul coming through the doors, we went for something to eat at the restaurant where we sat next to the heater and savoured a delicious mushroom and cheese omelette.
The weather is warming up again. Beautiful blue skies and bright sunshine. While Christian took a quick trip into Perpignan, I went around to Maggie's to help sort and price the accessories that had been donated for our stall at the Téléthon. This photo was taken from the top of her drive .... is it any wonder that I refused all offers of a lift home.
Today we went our separate ways; me for lunch with Rowena in her hide - away at the back of beyond and Christian for lunch with Jean-Jacques at "The Rectoria". The weather was just glorious with 18° of warm sunshine. and I'm glad to say that Rowena is mobile once again. We parted with good intentions to try and meet up more regularly.
Put the pinny on and headed up to the hunters' place to help prepare the vegetables for a wild boar stew that will be sold in aid of the Téléthon. Onions, garlic and carrots to peel by the kilo. You might think that this was the short straw but we had a log fire unlike those in the "abbatoir" part of the building who were cutting up the meat, so there were no complaints. Of course, it's always fun when a group of women get together working around a table. 116kg of finished stew gives you an idea of the task we tackled.
As recompense, Christian who had been at the Mairie all morning, whisked me off to the restaurant for lunch.