Sunday 13 April 2014

Birthday Celebrations, Take Two

Awoke to drizzly, chilly weather; not the ideal start to Christian's birthday celebrations "en famille". Lunch was organised at a "banqueting " centre set next to a small lake and where we celebrated his 60th. We were 34 of us altogether and for the first time all his 4 children and 11 grandchildren were in the same place at the same time. Only Dorothy was missing. There was a set meal with plenty of wine and of course champagne. The presentation of the dessert, including fireworks and two white doves was somewhat over the top and a complete surprise but the kids were enraptured. And the icing on the cake, so to speak, was the appearance of the sun when the apéritifs were served enabling us to benefit from the lovely surrondings. I can honestly say that a good time was had by all.

Toasts Chauds
Cassolette Océane et Vin Blanc
Suprême de Volaille Crème de Ceps
Sa Garniture et Vin Rouge
Croquante de Livarot Chaud
Caprice des Bois et Champagne

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