Wednesday 16 April 2014

In the Name of Jesus

On the road again for 9h and we had a long but enjoyable drive via Limoges. Stopped at "Les Jardins de Corrèze", which has services with splendid views, for a sandwich lunch and for Christian, a wee snooze on the grass. Arrived home in the early evening feeling weary but pleased that the journey back was without mishap.
9° when we left, 23° en route in the afternoon, 23° at home. Sun all the way

Left to head south at 9h and drove to Vire, a detour from our usual route, to see Christian's 93 year old godmother. She coped with the surprise as if it wasn't one and she seemed pleased to see her wee boy. By the time we said our goodbyes with an obligatory photo (we always wonder if it will be the last), we were ready to find somewhere to eat. Went as far as Flers and found a rather chic place called "Les Veilles Pierres" just on the outskirts. The food was good but the service impersonal.
We spent the night in Dangé St Romain (obviously that was a saint who got around) in a simple Logis. The bedroom was small but clean and the meal was simple but good, especially the foie gras. Sadly, Christian is somewhat off his food.
6° in the morning, 17° farther south in the afternoon

You'll be scratching your heads wondering if I've gone all religious but worry not ..... this is actually the name of the hotel where we ate with Christophe for lunch. We should have eaten at a "Chinese" but it was "fermé exceptionellement" and rather late on we went to this place in St Romain du Colbosc which is on the way to Valérie's where we were to go for coffee. The staff were were pleasant and the food honest. On arriving, Valérie and family, her Mum, Stéphane and Yohann were in the garden enjoying the sunshine. We stayed for the afternoon and then went home for another quiet night in. Well, we're off tomorrow and it's a long drive.
Bah oui, I forgot ..... there was another "au nom de Jésus!!!" This time when we found that someone had dragged a key down the side of our car ..... the first time that this has happened since we've been together. What a sad sight.
13.5° sun and blue skies

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