Saturday 12 April 2014

Patched but Roadworthy

Had a quiet day so that Christian could recuperate before tomorrow's festivities. Only went out for a coffee at the local bar and were even able to sit out in the sun. Once again, the father-in-law of the cheese seller that we use at the market was there and apparently he's heading down here for a couple of months next week. Have I told you before that his son played football in the same club as Christophe when they were teenagers? And, the ex-owner of the bar who we'd also met there before, will be helping at tomorrow's do (in another town) as she's friends with the people who bought the establishment from her parents. Small world, eh?
13°, sunny

At breakfast this morning we found ourselves next to a couple who have a house in Il sur Tet, the other side of Perpignan and that the woman had worked with our friend Michel in the N. of France. after that, it was of course, off to the garage to secure the front wing. Would you believe it? There was a nicer looking hotel with off road parking opposite! while we were there the lorry owner phoned and said that his driver was 71 (and driving a cattle wagon! Am I being ageist?)and wouldn't have driven off if he'd realised but if there was evidence of the bump, they'd take responsibility. The Gendarmerie also phoned to say that their colleauges in the other town had visited and now it's over to the insurance to sort out.
Had lunch in Artenay, a regular stop for us and arrived chez Christophe at 17h45 for a quiet evening in with the family.
18°, Sunny

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