Saturday 26 April 2014

Scary Moments

Spent over 4 hours at the clinic but they've tried to sort his medication which hopefully will settle things down. There was fun this evening though as we were invited to Lone and Jesper's for the evening. A bit of light relief was most welcome.
21°, sun and cloud

Spanish first then a light lunch at the restaurant. Christian was at the GPs to renew his prescription but also because he's not been on form for a while. The upshot was that he needs to go into the ED of the clinic where he has already been treated tomorrow morning as things are just not right. The lines on my face are getting ever deeper.
18°, cloudy, strong wind

The usual Thursday stuff though we ate at home rather than in the restaurant.
23°, sun, cloud, light, wind
One year ago today, a sweat shop collapsed in Bangladesh killing over 1100 people. Several top European companies used it.

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