Wednesday 9 April 2014

Politics, Pampering and Pals

25°, sunny
New FN Council in the N of France has evicted a Human Rights group from it's rent free room as it's deemed to be political association and therefore not eligable Under the law for Council money.

There's great excitement in the P.O. as Segolène Neuville has been made Sec of State for disabilty and social exclusion in Valls's new governement. It's the first time since 1957 that anyone from here has been so elevated. She was born in Haute Seine (92) but rose in politics here "mentored", as the local press likes to call it, by Christian Borquin, Senator and President of the Regional Council. She still works in the Department of Infectious Diseases and her constituency assistant is Juste and Joséphine's daughter. Our claim to fame is that we shared a table at Emilé's wedding reception.

Jean-Jacques, Jean and Françoise for an apéritif.
20°, cloudy

Had a lift with Sylvie to her hairdressing salon over the border (it's much cheaper) for a long needed tidy up. Christian, who had been given a haircut by the village hairdresser for his birthday, went to the Mairie. He was there again in the evening for the first full Council meeting of the new group .
22°, sun but cloudy later
France has been declared "persona non grata" at the  commemoration of the Rwandan genocide, being considered guilty of support for the Hutu regime.

Had a Sunday lunch time drink in the bar, a lazy afternoon and dinner at David and Laura's along with Michèle, Henri, André and Nany.
23°, blue skies, cloudy later

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