Thursday 17 April 2014

Dustbins Extrodinaires

Nothing special. No Spanish so as the work next door has finished, I cleaned the street and our front door. Nick came around in the afternoon to fiddle with the website , nothing sas I said
23°, sunny, clouding over later
 Gabriel Lorca Marquez, the novelist, died.

Thursday morning and with Maggie away, it was my responsibility to open up for the language exchange. Went, of course to the bar afterwards for a glass of wine and were joined by Margaret who's here for a few days. If we'd needed an excuse, we had one with Margaret but as you know by now, we didn't and went anyway. While there, we were treated to some entertainment as  the controversial underground rubbish containers departed the square for patures or rather a carpark new up at the village hall. So, now there sould be less grumbling from the regulars at the bar and farther to walk for us.
This evening we were invited to Jean-Jacques along with Andrée and Pierre, a Belgian couple. All this week, JJ has been doing his duty as a grandpa looking after Victoire and her friend and as it was payback time they were hired as canapé chefs and did a good job especially with the prunes stuffed with marzipan. Mmmm!
23°, sunny

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