Sunday 26 April 2015

Keeping Tradition Alive

26th April:
While Christian continued to snooze, I and several others were in the square for 8am fixing paper flowers to anything that didn't move. Sadly the old Mairie next to the bar has scaffolding and blue netting up which wasn't in keeping but  "sang et or" flags were much in evidence to make up for it.
Stalls, a few people in costume, a flame thrower, traditionl Catalan music, medieval music, roses, a dragon with children dressed as knights, brought a good buzz to the square. The two restaurants did good business too. There were 14 of us at our table in the bar. On the menu was "Catalan bread"; not as we thought toast rubbed with garic and tomato but a large slice of yellow bread marbled with something bright pink! Half a small chicken followed with mushroom sauce, parsnip and sweet potato purée then baked apple with a glass of sweet muscat. Christian was not impressed with the meal. What do you think of his waist coat, Now that is impressive. The weather held until about 2pm when the rain came down again so everyone packed up and went home.
20° sunny spells followed by rain
In the News:
For a mere 550€ you can have a perfume recreated to smell of a dead loved one ??????  No comment!

25th April:
Was up quite early to help decorate the square for tomorrow's "Fête de Sant Jordi" but rain threatened so we abandoned the idea and went to the bar for coffee instead. Christian and I stayed on and had lunch. Steak for me and kidneys for him. About 4pm the rain just pourred down accompanied by loud thunder so even though it means getting up even earlier tomorrow, it was the right decision to postpone the decoration.
In the News:
Serious earthquake in Nepal.

23rd April:
Today, as I'm sure regular readers of "Chitchat" will remember, is St Jordi's feast day when Catalans offer their loved ones a rose or a book. Yes, you're right, as well as being George, the patron saint of England, he's the patron saint of Catalunya as well. To mark the event some of the houses in our street put out books for others to help themselves to. Someone else from the village left books at the bar and the restaurant with a "bookcrossing" ticket on them. A lovely idea, methinks.
After a two week break, the language echange was back in action and I sat through two of the members encouraging us to get back to the land to grow our own food and abandon our use of horrible poisonous technology. Eh? No more reading on my ipod? No more emails? No more blog? Was it any wonder I came away disgruntled? Not to worry, a glass of wine at the bar and lunch at the restaurant restored my equilibrium.
21° sun, cloud followed by drizzle

22nd April:
A belated birthday lunch for Christian at Jean and Francoise's. Also invited to enjoy a bon cassoulet were Jean-Jacques and Michel. Christian still finds that red wine leaves a nasty taste so it was white wine for him. There was even a wee gift - a wee useful gift even - a daily pill organiser; something that no self respecting over medicated pensioner should be without! Each slot was filled with little blue pills which Jean swears were smarties!
From theirs we went for Christian's appointment with the GP. He's still anaemic so there's another blood test to do in a week's time.
21° Sun

21st April:
Christian went for a blood test this morning while I worked on the association website.
There was only Ann and myself for the apérobio this evening but Eve from the bar did us a good platter. Luckily Terry and Christian came along later to help polish it off. Even Michel got in on the act. The weather was warm enough to sit out on the terrace and as night fell, we could enjoy a midnight blue sky and a fairly new moon. The bar is definitely winning our apéro custom!
23° Sun

20th April:
Spent the afternoon making up small bouquets of the flowers that we'd already made in the Catalan colours. Plenty of laughs with tea and cake thrown in so it wasn't such a bad deal and of course there were loads of brownie points racked up!
20° sunny spells
In the News:
700 people drowned yesterday between Libya and Italy, more today. Emergency meeting between European states to find a solution instead of leaving it all to the Italians

Sunday 19 April 2015

Trials, Tribulations and Gastronomic Interludes

A slow start; well, it is Sunday. Called into the bar for a coffee before heading up to the village hall to bag our places for a lunch organised by the veterans of the Algerian war. Needless to say, apart from a few exmptions (like Christian on health grounds) a whole generation of national service conscripts were sent off to to do their "patriotic duty" in this horrible, still devisive conflict. The association always puts on a convivial do though; plenty to eat and to drink with dancing all afternoon. The walk up took it out of Christian so he was all to pleased to get a lift back with Martine and head straight for a wee snooze.
18° drizzle, sunny spells at the end of the afternoon.

Warm sunshine and a pre-standing arrangement to meet Henri and Michèle in the café Christian was ready to brave the walk from the carpark to the market. His foot is still very sore and it was a slow, trying process for him. going back was worse as there was a slight incline. I hadn't the heart to say "no" to his idea of lunch in the restuarant. We used the voucher that Christophe and Valérie had sent for his birthday on the more expensive menu and sat in the sun on the terrace, to enjoy it.
An afternoon of tv for me and a long snooze for Christian was all we had the energy for after a 3 course meal with wine.
In the evening, I abandoned Christian to go to a concert in the village hall given by Jean, a Catalan, singer/songwriter. The group were in great form and it was midnight before I knew it. By the time I'd climbed the wooden hills, Christian had long since slipped into a deep slumber.
21° Sunny, light cloud later
In the News:
RIP Pascal from the village, who died in a car crash this morning on his way to his bar/restaurant.,2019665.php

A hastily arranged lunch out with Rowena. As Christian is slow to start in the mornings, I took the bus and during the hour's wait I had before getting the bus to the garden centre to meet Rowena, I wandered around the town, had coffee and bumped into various acquaintances. Funnily enough, one such person was Martine and low and behold she was about to head off to the very same garden centre. Sadly, the French haven't yet caught onto the shopping and eating potential of such establishments; there was no toilet, no tea tearoom, no unrelated purchases to make and it closes between 12h - 14h. We had to head into the town therefore for a loo and lunch in that order. While there, I took a few photos of Rowena who's raising money for "an "Action Aid" project in Mozambique where she plans to go in the summer.
Had lunch in Al Catala which as Rowena is allergic, fortunately had a gluten free menu. It was great to catch up, however briefly. Christian, who'd spent the day resting, came to pick me up rather than having to wait for the bus, nice wee soul that he is.
19° sunny spells, cloud and light rain showers

There was no language exchange this morning so we both enjoyed a slow start before going to the bar ostensibly to meet Ann and Terry. However, varied Brits turned up to say hello, "touch base" and find out the latest news. Wanting to keep to our Thursday ritual, we went to the restaurant for lunch taking Martine along with us. From there Christian went home for a siesta and I went next door to have my hair cut. Not sure what I think of it - a bit Angelica Merkel!
this evening, Jean-Jacques came back with Christian from their meeting at the Mairie for supper of mince with moroccan spices and couscous
20° warm, cloudy and an evening thunderstorm including hail!

A quiet day at home

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Getting Out

His Nibs came home today, driven back by Michel and needless to say was tired with the effort of walking after 2 weeks of immobility. After all that, there's no indication of what caused the anaemia. I bought some liver to encourage the red blood corpuscles to go forth and multiply but read on the net that it's not good for gout!!! You can't win.
Jean-Jacques called around and stayed for an apéritif and a few nibbles thus life starts to get back to some kind of normality.
22° sunny in the morning overcast and windy in the afternoon
In the News:
400 people coming from Libya drowned off the coast of

Yesterday Christian had a wee trip out to Argelès to see the cardiologist who found nothing untoward as his electronics are doing their job satisfactorily. No sooner were we back than Di and Robin turned up with some roses (not the kind that grow on you) and some strawberries which were delicious. You can really taste the difference between home grown and the Spanish ones; just as your purse can feel the difference. Linde  kindly came to pick me and my bags of shopping up from the nearby supermarket where I took this photo of all things Catalan.
24° Warm and sunny

Sunday 12 April 2015

Clinic Capers. Musical Moments, Exotic Eating

Coffee in the bar with Anne, who I don't really have much to do with during the course of daily village life but she seemed to want to have news of Christian and then went up to the village hall to give a hand at a book fair organised by a cancer charity. Gave me a chance to catch up with Penny and Hortense who drove me in to see Christian on her way home. Kindly brought me back too. Called in to see François from the village who's an inpatient on the same floor. Dominique came to see Christian. No lunch out today; had to settle for a red bean, pasta and cheese salad out of a plastic box eaten with a borrowed teaspoon as I'd forgotten my fork. You don't really need to know such minutiae do you but hospital visits don't bring anything exciting to write about. Just as well really, I suppose. Sorry, I'm waffling; it's time I went to bed but before I do I'll just say that once home I delivered the association's latest bulletin and had a glass of wine on the terrace of the bar with Lynn and Colin. "Bonne Nuit, à demain!"
19°, Sunny
In the News:
Hilary Clinton to run for the Democratic nomination

A lovely sunny day just right for a trip to the market. Started off with a coffee with David, Laura and Martine before heading over to the library for a jazz concert. Hans, he of the pronunciation workshop, was playing double base in a four piece band. The music was uncomplicated enough for me to invest 10€ in buying their cd.
Just as well that I hadn't organised myself with a packed lunch as Michèle and Henri invited me to share their steak and sauté potatoes.
Christian's foot is looking red and swollen and obviously giving him a lot of pain. Poor wee soul; he's starting to reach the limit of his patience and has told the doctor that he's coming home on Tuesday after seeing the cardiologist.
It's a good job that "The Other Boleyn Girl" is keeping me occupied as I stayed with Christian until 8pm and needless to say, time hangs heavy. I met Ann and Terry at Michel's rock concert (photo above) which was well received by an audience of about 120. The encore consisted of 5 songs so we certainly had our 5€ worth. Rounded off the evening with a hot chocolate back in the village. Not exactly very coherent with an evening featuring Jimi Hendix, Moody Blues and The Who!
19° Sunny
In the News:
Obama and Raoul Castro reaching an agreement on normalising relations. Quite a week for American diplomacy as relations with Iran are moving forward too. Now, what could be behind such a radical change in attitude? Answers on a postcard, please

Just for a change, rather than eat a salad of some sort from a plastic box in Christian's room, I went into Perpignan with Michel for a Pho Bo, a Vietnamese complete - meal - in - a - bowl soup. Apart from the lack of humidy and the noise, the restaurant/shop could have been in Hanoi. Tables squeezed in between stacks of boxes and sacks of rice with a cosmopolitan clientele, lots of hussle and bussle, lots of comings and goings.
While we were enjoying the tastes of the orient Christian was suffering an attack of gout brought on by the diuretics. Needless to say, he has yet another tablet to take to get rid of it. At this rate, he'll never get out!
21°, sunny
In the News:
Father and daughter Le Pen falling out over the latter wanting to distance the party from the former's outrageous statements which are a step too far even for the FN.

Had a lift in to see Christian with Nany as she was attending a funeral in the town and on passing the café, Henri, who was in residence, invited me for a coffee. Christian still on the pump and he is complaining of a sore foot. The return home went a bit pear shaped though as my bus didn't turn up so there I was sitting on the wall by the stop feeling all forlon wondering who I could phone for a lift. David was a good choice as not only was home and ready to help but there was a curry supper as well. A bit of tlc was just what I was in need of!
18° Sun and strong winds

Found Christian hooked up to a slow release pump when I arrived for my usual visit, in an effort to reduce his water retention.
While he was languising in his hospital bed, I and eight others from the association were making merry at a Danish evening hosted by Lone and Jesper. We were a mixed bunch - Irish, Catalan, French, Scottish and English tucking in to veritable feast of fish, meat, cheese smögåsbrod and cake accompanied by beer specially brewed for Easter. "Kylle, Kylle" is apparently the sound made by chickens in Denmark. There were even two different aquavits which we all courageously tried. Lone and Jesper closed the evening by encouraging us all to participae in the "Viking Challenge" that they were plannig to lay on for the association in July. Something very special though it is hard to imagine what could outdo their "summer sking of 2013.
18°, sunny and windy

Wanting to give Christian a bit longer to rest after his trip to theatre, I met up with Nicole for a cup of tea and a long overdue catch up. His colonoscopy showed up nothing; so, where is his anaemia coming from? But at  least he can now eat normally; not that that is anything to get too excited about.
As well as me, he had a visits from Marie-Jo and Jose then from Michèle and Henri.
Once home, I grabbed a bit of toast (I'm saving a fortune on the house keeping by the way) and headed over to the bar to meet Margaret for the last guitar evening for the season. Lone and Jesper, Danish friends joined us and we all sat outside drinking wine until about 11pm by which time it was beginning to feel decidedly parky. Still, the nights are lengthening and  just look at the wisteria that's popping up everywhere.
18° sun and wind
In the News:
"It's better to be rich and guilty than poor and innocent". Black man  freed after 30 years on death  row in the States. He could have been freed 16 years previously but Alabama wouldn't accept new ballistics proof. Asked if he felt bitter or angry, he replied "they have taken 30 years of my life, they won't take my joy as well!"

Monday 6 April 2015

Not a Happy Easter Bunny!

Met up with Viv and Pepe this morning for a coffee and they kindly drove me to the clinic to see Christian as of course, there weren't any buses. There are lots of things better in France athn in UK but public transport, especially in rural ares isn't one of the. A way of supporting the car industry, I suppose. Michèle and Henri picked me up to stop of at the house for an apéritif before going to eat our way through endless pascal omelettes aided and abetted by Jean-Jacques and Margaret.
16°, Wind and some sun

Happy Easter one and all and I hope that you're enjoying the same blue skies and sunshine as we are. Started the day with a coffee at the bar before meeting Henri and Michèle to go for lunch
On the Menu:
  • Eveil du Palais (stuffed hard boiled egg)
  • La tartare de loup de mer à l'huile de truffes noires du Vallespir et son tarama de queues de gambas
  • Le filet de St Pierre rôti aux pointes d'asperges
  • L'agneau de lait Catalan rôti à coeur et son gratiné d'aubergines à l'anncienne
  • Le dessert Pascal: Mille feuille de chocolat praliné aux gariguettes du pays
  • Café and bougnettes  
Smart, pretty place but at 69€/head, the clientelle was pretty stuffy. Finally managed to get in to see Christian in the middle of the afternoon. His lunch had be chicken leg with rice. It's an unfair world but there were no sour grapes. Kathy came to visit so I was able to have a lift back with her to he village ready for an night in with the ironing, a dutiful call to Mum, a long chat with Jill which didn't leave my throat sore from shouting and some telly.
18° Sunnyand windy

Actually managed to get to the market this morning which needless to say was busier than usual, it being Easter weekend. Had coffee with David, Trevor and David's visitor John before toddling down to the clinic. Nothing much happening and you can only feel for our wee laddie.  Still, the afternoon was livened up by a visit from Kelvin, Irene and Margaret. Christian and I squeezed on the bed together as there weren't enough chairs for us all and believe me, that's the happiest he looked all afternoon. Slice of ham and dry rice for lunch; slice of ham and dry pasta for dinner. Well, is there anything there to bring a smile to the face of a man who enjoys his food?
I fared rather better having been invited to Kathy's along with Linde. Gilthead bream barbequed in a foil parcel accompanied by grilled veg. Fresh strawberries to follow. Forget the oranges, soft fruit is a-coming in!
17° sunshine and cloud
In the News:
Nicola Sturgen putting the wind up the English as it is feared that the SNP could hold the balance of power (subtext: wringing even greater concessions for Scotland from the Government) after the elections in May.

Christian now has a room to himself with a view of Canigou. The no fibre diet has started and it being Good Friday, there was fish on the menu. It's all horribly unappetising but seeing what he should be eating, it's a good job that he didn't come home as he would never have managed to stick to the rules. There were visits from Jean-Jacques, Michèle and Henri.
Out again this evening, this time with Margaret, Kelvin and Irene for a meal out on the terrace of the bar. Once again the till benefited from our custom and I benfited from some company and plenty of laughs. Came home to try and catch up with the blog but fell asleep over the laptop!
Had coffee in one of those filling stations that have been transformed into a bakery and coffee. shop, where Ann and I both succumbed to a Danish before going to see " his nibs" who was disappointed not to be getting home for the weekend. He needs to be on a no fibre diet before his colonoscopy on Tuesday added to which they still haven't identified his bleed. The transfusion he's had though has brought about a better blood analysis.
In the evening had a drink with Margaret in the bar where this time we were joined by Anne and Richard, also here for the Easter break. Christian had better come home soon or I shall end up an alcoholic!! Yet again another stunning  sunset enjoyed from our ringside seat on the terrace.
18° sunny

Gosh April already and it's lovely to see the trees with fresh green leaves and all the blossom bursting forth. A real tonic to boost us against our everyday concerns.
I'm now in a very settled routine taking the bus to the clinic in time to have a picnic lunch with Christian and getting the bus back at 6.30pm. Françoise called in this afternoon but it's not easy as Christian is still sharing a room. He had a gastroscopy today and a scan but nothing showed up. He's managed to persuade the Dr to let him out for the weekend.
We had our last French pronunciation class this evening and I was delighted with myself for finding the exception to the stress - on - the - last - syllable rule. Any ideas? Ok, I won't keep you in suspense as I can imagine your dying to know; it's lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi though not dimanche.
Hans had been insistant that we weren't to give him a present as he'd had one at Christmas so we took him at his word and gave him a souvenir card with which he seemed well pleased.

Thank you Hans
from your unruly but very grateful students of French pronunciation

Our lips will never be the same again after your lessons in oral acrobatics,
and neither will the reflection in Maggie’s mirror!
Apparently, the experience hasn't put him off from offering the workshop next year and we're even invited back. Now does that mean that he enjoyed our company or that we're still rubbish at speaking French?
Coming back across the square, I caught sight of Martine, David and  Laura in the restaurant and was invited in to join them. I didn't hesitate for a second
20° sunny but windy

Met up with Henri after his Spanish class and went back to his place for a coffee with Michèle who has back problems. After a quick visit to Christian, just around the corner, I went back again to theirs for lunch on the terrace. During my second vsit of the day, I mostly rested and once again took the bus at 6.30pm.
Another evening at the bar followed; this time with Margaret and then with Judith and Trevor.
While there, the sky took on irisescent hues to the delight of us all.
Weather :
19° Warm and sunny

Christian's GP phoned and told him to go to the local clinic at 11am. We thought it was a consultation with a gastroenterologist but in fact Christian found himself whisked off through the emergency admissions system. It wasn't until 6pm that he found himself on the ward. The place was busy and there was only a double room to be had and even the shower was on the corridor. Fortunately Christian's room mate was quiet unlike the bloke in the next door room who shouted out all the time. There had been talk of a blood transfusion but only obs that were taken.
Leaving Christian to be taken care of, I left to get the bus back to the village when on arriving, I was hi-jacked by a group of Brits (Roger, Debra, Val, Rob and Don) for a few glasses of red wine. It was just what I needed.
19° Sun and a little cloud, becoming overcast later.