Monday 2 January 2017

No Place Like Home

 Jill collected me from Mum's yesterday afternoon and I spent the rest of the day with my Little Sis and John getting to grips with the new toy in my computer stable. John, bless him, had bought a chromecast and a tablet for me and set it up with some interesting apps. Jill had negotiated a free cover.
On going to bed at midnight I fired off a New Year email to Martine C and learnt that she'd be at Barcelona airport collecting her car, a long no-need-to-know story. We managed to set up a rendez-vous and for me to warn Nicole P that I wouldn't need a lift from Figueres after all.
It was a cold, frosty and early start for the airport in the company of John and Tony. Even at 7h30 it was busy and we could only feel sorry for the folk in shorts and skimpy teeshirts coming off the Jamaica flight.
My flight went without a hitch and Martine was there waiting for me. (Photo taken from the plane.)
After UK's cold, dull weather, the drive back in sunshine was a delight  and Martine got us back without making too many other drivers irate! No need to elaborate.
Needless to say, the fridge was empty so Martine, Nicole P and I met for a bite to eat at the bar and reconted our various doings over the holiday period.Good as it is to see family and friends, it's good to be home.

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