Wednesday 25 January 2017

Doing a Bit of This and a Bit of That

Nicole P and Patricia came to try out "Cullen Skink" that I told them about the last time we met up. A smoked haddock soup wouldn't be to everyone's taste but glad to say it went down a storm. Well, it was good, as the lack of left overs testified!

Coffee in the bar with Hortense then home in time for the electrician to come for a deposit on the work he'll be starting soon.

Nothing of note to report. Thank goodness for a blank day from time to time.

Coffee in the bar in the morning and "galette des rois" and cava chez moi in the afternoon with the "copines". There was only, Anne, the two Nicoles, Maggie and Geneviève who came but it was pleasant all the same

Went to the market with Nicole S and in the evening to a concert given by the National Orchestra of Montpellier (well, about 40 of them) with Jean-Jacques. Had priviledged seats among the great and the good of our little corner. On the programme was:

  • Concerto for trombone and orchestra: Nino Roto (1911 – 1979) 
  •  For Hercules’s Butcher: Jean –Marc (1957 -) The composer introduced this really interesting piece that explored French society under de Gaulle. We were invited to stay at the end for a drink with the orchestra and I exchanged a few words with the composer at the end and he wasn’t the least bit superior or distant.                       
  •  Pulcinella Suite: Igor Stravinsky (1882 – 1971) 
I was a bit anxious that my ear wouldn't cope with the modern programme but it did. So glad that I decided to move out of my comfort zone
 After ducking out of the first quiz held at the bar that Roger organised as I thought it might be too expat, I hesitantly joined Dani, Brian and Nicole in a team that we named the "Bons Viveurs". Guess what? We won! Isn't the trophy magnificent!??? Thankfully there was no need to fight over who had to take it home as it stays put.

Language Exchange followed by a coffee in the bar. See, it's not always a glass of wine.
In the evening I went with the neighbours to see the Ken Loach film, "I, Daniel Blake" that recently won the "Palme d'Or" at the Cannes festival. Excellent but harrowing. Do watch it, if you haven't already. Then it was back to Gérard and Anna's for crêpes, a glass of wine and a debrief.

Went into Perpignan on the bus with Maggie who had a medical appointent; a good excuse to go for lunch and a catch up. Took her to "Les Saisons" as it's never disappoints.  Both the meal and the appointment went well and as you can see from the photo, it was a lovely day. just as well as we had a fast 20 minute walk to catch the bus.
In the evening I accompanied Michel to the Maire's New Year wishes in a neighbouring village. We weren't able to linger long as the speeches had run on and Michel had a dinner date.

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