Sunday 15 January 2017

Chez des Amis

Nothing special, just the usual trip for coffee and a bite to eat at the bar
Out of the blue, Françoise invited me to go with her to Figueres; she had a Christmas present to change. Wouldn't you know it she forgot to take it! All was not lost, however, as I was going back on Tuesday and could do it then. Had a hot chocolate as the weather was cold and windy, a look around the food market and bought a jacket in the sale.
Didn't stay for lunch but was invited back to her house where Philippe had prepared a good meal.
Was invited for dinner at JJ's as his friends Alain and Dominique were there for a few days. A pleasant evening as you can well imagine from what you know of JJ. He's such a supportive friend and with no strings attached either. What more could a woman want?
Just look at the kind of sunsets we've been having of late. This one was snapped from the top of the house.

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