Monday 30 January 2017

Wiped Out!

Supermarket with Michel, Spanish and playing "go-between" between David and the gardener was the sum total of this last day in January.
Glory, a month into 2017 already.
16°, sun and blue skies 

Sauveur, the electrician arrived an hour later than expected but got straight to work and stayed until nearly 1.30. I mention it as most workmen knock off on the dot of noon. He didn't reappear in the afternoon however, which is par for the course.
Oh dear!
It had to happen sooner or later! I've just deleted my notes from the ipod and it seems awfully complicated to try and retreive them. That'll teach me not to keep the blog up to date. Details of past "doings" will be sketchy but I suppose that being in the past, not many folk would have scrolled that far back anyway!
Still, those of you who know me well, are aware that I have OCD tendancies and can imagine how annoyed with myself I am!🙍
OK, a quick Gallic shrug and I'm back in business.
David called by for me to go with him in search of a local gardener; his face was a picture when a young 40 year old appeared from upstairs. Luckily, he's not one to gossip as Dot Cotton in Eastenders would say. It was of course, Sauveur, in case you, too are wondering.
Had a quick drink in the bar with David after unsuccessfully trying to track down Eric and then foutered around until 7pm when it was time for the Conseil Municipal; only it wasn't. A previous meeting was running late so it was put back until 7.30. That gave Nicole Park and myself time to go and have a hot chocolate in the other bar. The meeting was a good natured affair with no disagreement from the opposition.
Ended the evening with JJ and Nicole in the bar over a glass of rosé and platter of cold meat; ok, yes, there were a few chips as well!
Home to watch a bit of tv just before 11pm but didn't get myself to bed until nearly 1am. Still, that meant that I went straight to sleep with the alarm set for an early (by my standards) start in anticipation of Sauveur's arrival.
13deg Sunshine, cloud at end of the day
Trump invited to UK resulting in huge petitions against his visit

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