Saturday 28 January 2017

Still Going Out

Thank goodness. It's 16th February really and I've finally caught up with the back posts. Just need to try harder to keep up to date. OK,  yes, I know, you've heard it all before.

Should have gone to the market to the market in Figueres with Nicole S but as it was raining we just met for coffee in the bar and then stayed on for lunch.In the evening I went to a concert Jacques. A jazz trio of pianist, guitarist and singer who took us on a voyage through Argentina with East European undertones. It was not modern jazz, thank goodness and so for the second time recently I moved out of my musical comfort zone with pleasure.

Tonight was the Association's winter tapas evening and the theme this time was masks. I had quite a fetching one too with a red feather on the side but rarely does anyone take a photo of the photographer.

Committee meeting and language exchange this morning and popped into the bar afterwards. Flower making this afternoon and then dinner at Diana's and Robin's with Martine C.

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