Sunday 29 January 2017

Back in Action

As today is Sunday, you'll know that I will have spent most of the morning at the café. Around the table with me were Jean, Françoise, Anne, Nicole S and Patricia. Stayed for lunch of a warming lentil soup and cheese with Nicole and Patricia. Nicole came back for a cuppa before going off to have more tea with other friends.It's great to see the sky blue again after a wet, chilly week; the days are lengthening and the mimosa is in full bloom giving off a heady perfuming.
Haven't time to write more as there's Spanish homework and one or two other bits and pieces of admin to do. What's more I've computer problems. This one keeps disconnecting from the internet and the cursor goes on walkabout so I'm merrily typing away but nothing is coming up on the page. The one downstairs has frozen after an updating. Grrrrhhhh!
Then tomorrow, the electrician is coming to start on the rewiring. Can you hear me gulping? It's going to be quite an undertaking but one that's been sweetened by a very reasonable grant.
Have decided to try and keep up to date and fill in the gaps later.
13°, sunshine and cloud
"Penelopegate" (François Fillon's Welsh wife accused of being paid for a ficticious job in his office when he was Prime Minister) is taking up many column inches or rather centimetres in the press.

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