Wednesday 17 May 2017

Flying South

17.5.17: You can please some of the people .....
Up at 6am to get to the airport in good time and found that the sun was shining. The flight went well and Nicole P was there to meet us at the other end. Gosh, it was hot!
We had lunch at the restaurant looking down on the river at Pont de Molins. Nicole S left half her starter and most of her chicken. She seemed switched off from us but when I asked about it, she said it was because she was tired. Umph!
Yet another meal that hadn't pleased her. I know that she is often dissatisfied but hadn't realised just how much, until I've found myself writing the same thing again and again. In fact yesterday she was very tepid about the light lunch that we'd had.
Nicole P dropped me off at the front door and 30 minutes later we were having a tea on the terrace of the other bar.
Spent a welcome quiet night in.
28°, sun

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