Sunday 28 May 2017

Two Days, Two Markets

28.5.17: Going against the Flow
Nicole S invited me to join her on a trip to Roses market as she wanted to buy some tops. There were long traffic jams going north after the extended holiday weekend. Our route south  was trouble free. Roses was hot and in her quest, Nicole looked at every single stall in the market, humming and haring as she went. One time it was a should I? shouldn't I? purchase for 3€. Needed all my patience but at least she came away with three tops. I bought a nightie.
Lunch overlooking the marina was a bit pricy but it was Sunday and therefore no bargain "menu del día" was available. Going gluten free wasn't easy but I managed and even passed on the yoghurt ice cream in the fruit soup. All washed down with water. It just goes to show though, how much we eat because it's there rather than because we need it. Felt that Nicole was a bit lukewarm even though she didn't pass any comment on either the restaurant or the meal.
It was a long walk back along the sea front to the car and a long drive back along the coast road home At  home there was more tax and more tv.
28, sun and strong wind

27.5.17: People, Paintings and Plastic
Went to the market with Barbara but we went our seperate ways until it was time to come back. Bumped into lots of folk and met Hortense by arrangement. We had a coffee and then went to a vernissage together. There 4 different artists  showing in different rooms but we just concentrated on one.
Spent most of the afternoon doing my tax; the pressure is on as I'm going away at the end of the month and it's due in the day after I come back. Otherwise I didn't venture forth again and watched tv when I gave up on the tax.
I did smile to myself at one point in the day when I found that one of the new plastic £5 notes  had been through the washing machine and come out unscathed!
28°, sun, wind later

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