Wednesday 10 May 2017

A Bit of City Buzz

10.5.17: A Capital Day Out
A slightly later start to the day as we didn't need to be at the station in Dunblane for the journey to Edinburgh until 9h30. All went without a hitch and once in the capital, folk went off in small groups to do what interested them. Nicole and I walked up to the Castle, then down the Royal Mile taking a detour into the old town for lunch at the "Greyfriars Bobby" on Candlemaker Row. Bobby was a Skye terrier that was so famed for standing guard over his deceased master's grave that a fountain was erected in 1873 in memory of his loyalty. His story even inspired two films and a number of books. Had a short wait for a table but the lunch was good and I was pleased that Nicole could experience the old world charm of a traditional pub.
Thus fortified, we hiked on in the sunshine down to the Parliament where we were able to access the public areas. While I browsing in the shop in the shop, I was much taken by this poem."Open the Doors!", written by Edwin Morgan for the opening of the new Parliament building in 2004.
"Open the doors! Light of the day, shine in; light of the mind, shine out!" 
The rest of the poem is as inspiring first line; just follow the link to have the full version. Theresa May would do well to distribute it at Westminster.
In the meantime Nicole had a quick look at the outside of Holyrood House which is just next door.
Glad to say that all were present and correct for the return journey. In fact they'd all been delighted; so all is still going well.
This evening, David and Laura laid on food for all of us and our hosts; about 35 altogether. It was a mammoth task that she took in her stride. Not only did we eat and drink well but we didn't have to be up at the crack of dawn either. Holidays can be exhausting, n'est-ce pas?
Warm and sunny with a slight wind; well, it was Edinburgh

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