Sunday 4 March 2018

Where's the Excitment When You Need it?

4.3.18: Feeding the Masses
For the first time ever, I was the only one at the café on a Sunday morning. Sat it out for a bit, talking to who ever came in and then went off a bit earlier than planned to help set up the tables for a meal organised by the association. A couscous with all the trimmings for 90 of us was on the menu and as usual, Mimi did us proud. Bought a portion to take away so I don't have to cook tomorrow or even the day after. Once again, the President came when all was ready and left after eating. Still, I shouldn't throw stones as I didn't stay on for an afternoon of dancing; just wanted to put my feet up and drink endless cups of tea.
15°, sun, cloud and rain at the end of the day.

3.3.18: Finally, a Bit of Social Life
Had a coffee at the bar while waiting for a lift to the market with Michel. As usual, I didn't do any shopping but had coffee with Michelle and Henri and then joined Bridget who was minus Hortense and thus on her own.
Continued working on the web site (I am getting there) until it was time to go for dinner at Nick and Kathy's. We were also joined by an Irish couple who'd not been able to travel back home due to the snow and bad weather. In contrast, just look what temperatures we've been experiencing.
18°, blue sky

2.3.18: Another Dull Day
Went to Margaret's to check that her house was still holding tight as the repairs to the chimney are not yet done. Too many roofs taking priority. All was well. One bright spot was bumping into Thérèse who said that she was ready to come back and give me a hand in the house. Otherwise, I spent a lot of time on a futile hunt for some keys.
16°, blue sky

1.3.18: A Dull Sort of Day
Thursday and yes, well remembered, it was the language exchange and a cuppa afterwards at the café.
The afternoon was no more exciting; just a trip with Maggie to buy pellets for my stove. Predictably, the evening was spent in front of the tv.
12°, cloud, heavy rain later

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