Sunday 17 June 2018

Catering for all tastes

17.6.18: Going from one table to another!
Started the day with my usual Sunday coffee at the bar with other women from the village. Anne came along and persuaded me to go for lunch with her. Salad at Can Jordi where we ended up next to some people from the village and after a wee walk, a "café gourmand" at The France where Gilles and Martine from the village invited us to join them.
In the evening, I met up with Martine, Jim and Mags for an apéritif dinatoire chez Jean-Jacques.
The treadmill tomorrow is a must!
25° Sun, cloud

16.6.18: Opera al fresco
Went with Jacques to the market during half time of the televised rugby match that he was watching. Met Françoise for coffee and came back with Jacques when the match was over.  spent the afternoon on the computer apart from an apéro at the bar with françoise who'd come over to see Jean who was setting up equipment for the transmission of an opera from Barcelona that was being shown on the square in front of the mairie. Luckily, I'd read a synopsis of "Manon Lescaut" as it was sung in Italian and had subtitles in Catalan.
Made it through to the end, having popped home for a warmer jacket between act ii and iii. Bed at 1am.
27°, sun and cloud

15.6.18: Spooky goings on!
Made a lazy start, worked on the computer and had my hair done in the afternoon. In the evening there was a vernissage (glass and mosaics) in Christian's room. While chatting to someone, the conversation turned to Christian and I said how pleased he would be to see the room being used and, believe it or not, the door with his name on  which we were standing by, started to move.
No draught, no one passing by! I can tell you, the hairs on my arm stood up!
25° cloudy

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