Friday 1 June 2018

Surprise, Surprise, I'm back!

If you arrive at this post, it means that you've been very patient! Thank you. I've a myriad of reasons why dear old "Chitchat" hasn't been updated since the beginning of April but I won't bore you with details at this point. One wet day, I will fill in the gaps because, you, my friends, know that my obsessive nature does not allow for gaps.
Well, I arrived back Tuesday evening (29th)  from a couple of weeks stay in the Cotswolds, extended by one week more because French Air Traffic Controllers were on strike. My suitcase remains half unpacked but I have been to an association committee meeting, to the language exchange and completed my tax return with the help of JJ. Needless to say, the fridge is bare but after all the chocolate I ate my way through whilst at Jill's, that's not a bad thing.
Meetings with friends, family time, a visit to my brother and sister-in-law's in Wales, a local wool fair and trips to "The George" for coffee or glass of wine was a pleasant way to spend the time. Click on this link to see the photos.
25° Rain at some point every day along with thunder

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