Sunday 10 June 2018

Keeping Up

10.6.18: Looking out to sea
It was an early start for a Sunday but Jean and Françoise were picking me up to go with them to Collioure. A walk around the market and a leisurely coffee overlooking the sea was a welcome change from looking out on the fountain from the village bar.
Took a day off from the treadmill to catch up with the blog for this week.
I wish I could tell you that it's helping deal with the recent excess but as the scales have decided not to work, I don't have the necessay proof. No daily cava and crisps at apéritif time, no binging on chocolate and over 10,000 steps daily must be doing me some good, wouldn't you think?
26°, overcast, rain by early evening

9.6.18: Cutting a dash
Going to the market there and back on the bus meant that I only had time to do a bit of shopping and a quickish coffee with Jean and Françoise. Time was of the essence as the bar's 20th aniversary, on the theme of  "chic or shock", was due to kick off at apéritif time. By the time I'd titivated myself and made sure my fabulous hat was perched just so on my head and arrived at the bar, the banda was already blasting out its repetoire. Never have I had so many compliments and it felt good, I can tell you. It was the hat, of course, that did it; never has £4.99 been better spent in a charity shop! Only drawback was drinking whilst the veil was down but on the positive side, it was a good way of reducing my consumation. If you click on the photo to enlarge it, you'll see that it's neither flies or bees buzzing around my head but a pattern on the veil.
Didn't fancy the meal of snails and beef cheeks so I left the festivities while I was ahead and had lunch at home where I stayed for the rest of the day with my new friend Netflix.
26° sun and cloud

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