Sunday, 24 June 2018

Finally, a day of rest

24.6.18: Uneventful Sunday
Nothing at all out of the ordinary though I suppose that is out of the ordinary for me.
Just my routine Sunday morning coffee this time in the company of Nicole S (yes, she's reappeared), Anne, Valerie and Jo. Declined their invitation to stay for lunch.
Spent the afternoon dealing with photos, working on the web site, researching flight options for later this year and gave the treadmill a body swerve.
28°, sun
23.6.18: Multi tasking
Poor old Jacques is out of action as an operation on his eye means that he can't drive. Nothing for it but to take the bus to the market; not that was a hardship. Met Françoise for a coffee and catch up and whizzed around the supermarket in time to take the 11am bus back to the village. Managed to meet up over another coffee this time with Nicole who's been busy all week.
Watched some of my latest Netflix fix while pounding the treadmill. If you're wondering (and I don't really kid myself that you are), it's "The time in between", a Spanish production set at the time of the civil war. On the French version of Netflix, it's called "L'espionne de Tangers" and is only in Spanish and French. Be impressed: exercise, tv watching and a language test.
In keeping with the Catalan tradition to mark the start of summer, there were fireworks and a bonfire this evening. They were much appreciated and drew a lot of applause from the locals and those who'd come from neighbouring villages.
Didn't stay for the disco but beat a retreat to the café to have a tea with Nicole. Yes, you have read this correctly!
28°, sun

22.6.18: Duty Calls
Up early as I was expecting Sauveur, the electrician, to come. Used my enforced house "arrest" to plant up the window boxes and do a bit of outside cleaning. The young man who was employed on a temporary contract by the Mairie to sweep the streets has been let go due to budgetry restrictions, so, we'll all have to do our bit to keep our street clean. I later found that Sauveur had sent a text saying that he couldn't come. No matter, I obviously achieved more by staying home than going to the café to drink coffee.
Computer and some baking for this evening's soirée tapas filled the afternoon. About 54 people signed up for the evening, the theme of which was straw hats; more than 80 turned up. Feedback was very positive but I have to say that I was glad to get cleared up and get home to a) not have to speak to anyone and b) put my hot, tired feet up.
30°, sunshine and some cloud

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