Friday 8 June 2018

Old habits and pastures new

8.8.18: Hooray!
The sun is back and the sky is blue. This is more like it. A lovely surprise awaited me when I went to the bar for coffee; some holiday makers had come to the bar on the music night, looking for somewhere to get some flour and as there was nowhere open, I went home to get them some. By way of a thank you, they'd left me some money to have a drink. Well, several drinks ... they'd left me 20€!! Such appreciation for such a small thing.
I'd just settled down with an early evening cuppa to surf the Netflix catalogue when Izzy phoned to invite me to join her and Margaret at the bar for a drink and then back to theirs for pizza. A no brainer, eh?
26°, sun

7.6.18: Rich pickings
Before the language exchange, I went to see the young man who's just taken over the practice of Dominique our late lamented dentist. He managed to sort out my problem without pushing me into having a crown. Phew.
In the evening JJ and I went over to Jean and Françoise's for a meal of girolles and cep mushrooms. One advantage of all the rain and warm weather is that the locals are soon able to find their supper. Conversation revolved mostly around stories of  JJ's trip to Colombia and Amazonia and of course, politics.
22°, overcast with light rain

6.6.18:  Away from the village
Martine is taking a three week spa health cure about 1h15 from here; you might be interested to know that it's paid for by the health service. She asked me to accompany her so that I could discover the village and we could have lunch together afterwards. Pity there was heavy rain as the closer we got to Molitg, the more striking the scenery was. Started off with coffee at a small, extremely friendly, family run bar/restaurant. Immediately felt at easy and conversation flowed between tables; so filling the time while Martine was being "cured" was no hardship. If the weather had been better, I'd have walked around the grounds of the thermal baths. As it was I was pleased to be sung to in Corsican by a chaming (elderly) man who came in with friends!
Martine and I had a very good lunch at the Grand Hotel right next to the baths.
Came home and signed up to Netflix. What a good job that I'm making a daily date with the treadmill.
17° in the mountains, heavy rain

5.9.18: On pigeon watch
Supermarket with Maggie, coffee at the café with Nicole and others.
I'm waging war with a couple of pigeons that are roosting on the beams of the covered terrace. Oh, how I detest the blighters. I've put up what obstacles I can and scream at them for all I'm worth.
Oh yes, I've started to use the treadmill again. Needs must after my OTT behaviour while I was in the UK.
24°, sun, cloud, rain. Heavy flooding in more northerly parts of France

4.6.18: A simple but moving affair
A longish lie-in, coffee at the café and a present of already-washed (!) girolles mushrooms from Dominique that went into my risotto lunch, started off the day. On a sadder note, I also leant that a a lone Mum with 4 children who lives at the end of the street had made a suicide attempt.
Early evening, this being the association's10th anniversary, we inaugurated our new room that has been named for Michelle, Jean-Jacques' late wife. Members of the council were in attendance along with a some of ex committee members to listen to a couple of short speeches and to raise a glass of champagne to her memory. The Maire made a toast too which also evoked Christian's memory; needless to say it gave me a lot of pleasure.
Stopped off at the café on the way home to listen to some guitar music in the company of Nicole and her son.
24°, cloud and some sun

3.6.18: A bit of a marathon
Coffee first with the "copines" which was followed by brunch at the restaurant with JJ and Nicole by way of a thank you for their help this week.
Only had time for an hour's rest, well, eating is hard work, before going off with Gérard and his cousins to a dance gala in which, Evelyn his wife was appearing. From 3 years old to 70+, the participants were full of passion and enthusiasm. 4h30 after the start, we emerged from the auditorium to rain!
22°, cloud and heavy rain in the afternoon

2.6.18: Picking up old habits
This morning I went off to the market on the bus and met up with Jean and Françoise for coffee. Much to my surprise, Nicole S came by and joined us. Then this evening I, along with Terry and Ann were invited to Lone and Jesper's to admire their new terrace and have dinner.
26°, sun and cloud

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