Tuesday 12 June 2018

Water, water everywhere

12.6.18: Every cloud has a silver lining
Coffee at the bar.
No internet all day anywhere in the village.
No excuse, therefore not to fire up the treadmill and up my step count.

Impossibly heavy rain.
The street in front of the house ran like a river. Don't remember when we last had such a downpour. This photo doesn't do justice to its ferocity. There were more complaints about the lack of internet than about the rain; we really do need it if we're not to have water restrictions this summer. And of course, there was no need to water the plants or to attack the weeds that are proliferating with the warm and wet weather we've been having these last few weeks.

 11.6.18: They fly so high ....
Sadly for my waistline, the treadmill was sacrificed on the altar of the association's new website. To add insult to injury, Margaret and Izzy invited me to join them for a bite to eat at the bar. I had started with good intentions by ordering a salad but was unable to resit the smell of the chips that the lovely little Millie had with her fish fingers. Millie is such a delight and she kept us and our neighbouring diners entertained by chasing and bursting the bubbles that were blown for her. I say it often, simple pleasures lift the spirit.
25°, cloud, sun, rain showers

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