Tuesday 14 July 2009

Fête Nationale

We were on parade early this morning, arriving in our sister village in convoy. The jeep that we were in ran out of "chug" half way up the windy road so we had to transfer to another vehicle. Coming down was a whole lot easier though. The morning ceremonies took their usual form with another wreath laying in the village, speeches, presentation of medals and an apéritif. Lunch was a bbq at the bivouac. In the evening we were invited to another bbq at Hazel and Ade's then it was down to the recreation ground for a superb firework display and disco. The disco was cut short as there was a violent thunderstorm so the Mairie didn't really have to lay out on the fireworks, did they?


  1. Bonjour,

    Glad to see you've replaced the 'Nous' photo. Its a lot better but still doesn't do you both justice.

  2. It's so exciting to receive a comment! Trouble is in reality you can see the wrinkles!
