Monday 20 July 2009

One Small Step, One Big Lie?

Of course, I couldn't let today go by without a mention of the moon landing 40 years ago. Now we know who the 3rd and apparently the only well adjusted astronaut is Michel Collins and you all thought that he was an Irish Republican.Did it really happen or was it created in a studio. There were reports on French news that in fact the film footage was erased so that the cassettes could be reused. Early recycling or cover up?
Where were you when history was being "made"? I was in Leicester at Arthur and Maureen's where I had a holiday job. They were away on holiday I and Joanne, Rob and various other friends stayed up to watch. It was all very much of a youth hostel. Christian, too, stayed up to watch but he was in France, married with 3 children.

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